

Karolina Assi



闲聊(Small Talk),是一些人很喜欢的消遣方式,但可能是另一些人的社交噩梦。

如果你性格外向,喜欢结识新朋友,那闲聊则是生活中的家常便饭。但如果你比较内向,更喜欢开门见山、直奔主题的对话,那可能就不那么擅长small talk了。



Learn the art of small talk for different situations.

什么是Small Talk?

《牛津词典》将Small Talk定义为“礼貌地谈论普通或不重要的话题,尤其是在社交场合”,闲聊本质上就是与那些只有点头之交的人进行礼节性的交谈。对很多人来说,这只是出于礼貌而与人进行的琐碎对话,避免因闭口不言而带来的不友好之感。






Super handy small talk question examples to use when mingling at a party where you don't know anybody.



  1. Hey there! How's your night going? - 嗨!你今晚过得怎么样?
  2. Hi, I don't think we've met yet. I'm [your name]. - 你好,我觉得我们还没见过。我是[你的名字]。
  3. It's quite the crowd here, isn't it? - 这里人真多,是吧?
  4. I couldn't help but notice your [interesting accessory/clothing]. - 我不禁注意到了你的[有趣的配饰/服装]。
  5. What brought you to this event? - 什么风把你吹来参加这个活动的?
  6. Do you come to these kinds of gatherings often? - 你经常参加这种聚会吗?
  7. Are you here alone or did you come with someone? - 你是一个人来的,还是和别人一起来的?
  8. Oh, I love this song! The music is great here, don’t you think? - 哦,我喜欢这首歌!这里的音乐很棒,你不觉得吗?
  9. Are you enjoying yourself/your evening? - 你玩得开心吗?
  10. Do you know anyone else here, or are you just jumping into the crowd like me? - 你认识这里的其他人吗,还是和我一样来凑热闹的?
  11. I'm loving the vibe of this place. What do you think? - 我喜欢这个地方的氛围,你觉得呢?
  12. Have you ever been to an event like this before? - 你以前参加过这样的活动吗?
  13. I love your energy! What's your secret to staying so lively at these events? - 我太喜欢你的活力了!你在这些活动中保持活跃的秘诀是什么?
  14. Oh, I love your [piece of clothing/accessory]! Where did you get it? - 哦,我喜欢你的[服装/配饰]!你在哪里买的?
  15. What are you drinking? Looks delicious! - 你在喝什么?看起来很好喝!
  16. So, how do you know the birthday girl/guy/person? - 你是怎么认识我们今天的寿星的?
  17. What do you think of the music they've got playing? - 你觉得他们播放的音乐怎么样?
  18. This is my first time at an event like this. Any tips to navigate the crowd? - 这是我第一次参加这样的活动,有什么建议吗?
  19. I couldn't help but overhear you talking about [topic]. Mind if I chime in? - 我无意中听到你在谈论[话题],介意我插一句吗?



  1. How was your weekend? - 周末过得怎么样?
  2. How’s your day going? - 你今天过得怎么样?
  3. So, I heard you closed a big client today! Congrats! - 我听说你今天签了个大客户!恭喜你!
  4. Are you still working on that project with [company/client name]? - 你还在和[公司/客户名]合作那个项目吗?
  5. I heard you’re going on holiday next week. Any exciting plans? - 我听说你下周要去度假,有什么令人兴奋的计划吗?
  6. Did you catch that [TV show/sports event] last night? - 你昨晚有没有看那个[电视节目/体育赛事]?
  7. How long have you been working here? - 你在这里工作多久了?
  8. How’s your workload? - 你最近忙吗?
  9. What's your take on [industry trend/current news]? - 你对[行业趋势/当前新闻]怎么看?
  10. Any recommendations for a good lunch spot around here? - 这附近有推荐的午餐地点吗?
  11. The coffee here isn’t very good… do you know any good coffee spots around here? - 这个咖啡不太好喝……你知道附近有没有好的咖啡店吗?
  12. I saw your recent presentation—it was impressive! How did you prepare for it? - 我看了你最近的演讲,讲的很棒!你是怎么准备的?
  13. I'm thinking of attending the [upcoming event/training]. Are you considering it, too? - 我在考虑参加[即将举行的活动/培训],你也打算参加吗?
  14. I heard your [department/team] achieved some impressive results. How did you all manage it? - 我听说你们[部门/团队]取得了很棒的成果,你们是怎么做到的?




  1. How has your day been so far? - 你今天过得怎么样?
  2. It’s nice outside today, isn’t it? - 今天外面天气不错,不是吗?
  3. Do you have any plans after this interview? - 面试完后,你有什么计划吗?
  4. Hopefully, you didn't get caught in too much traffic! - 希望你来的时候路上不是太堵!
  5. Have you had a chance to explore our office space? What do you think of it? - 你参观过我们的办公室了吗?你觉得怎么样?
  6. Do you have any questions about the company or the role before we begin? - 在我们开始之前,你对公司或职位有什么问题吗?
  7. Did you find the location alright? We know our office can be a bit tricky to spot. - 你来的时候顺利吗?我们知道我们的办公室有点难找。
  8. Before we delve into the interview, is there anything you'd like to know about the interview process? - 在我们开始面试之前,你对面试流程有什么想了解的吗?
  9. Have you had a chance to try the coffee in our break room? People here are quite particular about it. - 你有没有尝过我们休息室的咖啡?我的同事们对咖啡还挺讲究的。
  10. Have you visited our office before, or is this your first time seeing it? - 你以前来过我们的办公室吗,或者这是第一次见到?
  11. What motivated you to apply for this position in particular? - 是什么促使你申请这个职位?



  1. Hi! I’ve seen you around, but I don’t think we’ve properly met yet. My name is [your name]. What’s yours? - 嗨!我见过你,但我觉得我们还没正式认识过。我叫[你的名字],你的名字是?
  2. Hey, I couldn't help but notice your [piece of clothing/accessory]. It looks great on you! - 嘿,我不禁注意到了你的[服装/配饰]。看起来很好看!
  3. How’s your day/evening going? - 你今天/晚上过得怎么样?
  4. How long have you lived in [city]? - 你在[城市]住了多久了?
  5. Where are you from/where did you grow up? - 你来自哪里/在哪里长大?
  6. Do you enjoy living/working here? - 你喜欢在这里生活/工作吗?
  7. How was your weekend? - 你周末过得怎么样?
  8. What are you doing this weekend? - 你这个周末有什么计划?
  9. Are you having fun at this party/event? - 你在这个派对/活动上玩得开心吗?
  10. I saw you the other day at [event/party], but we didn’t have a chance to chat. - 我前几天在[事件/派对]看到了你,但当时我们没机会聊天。
  11. So, you’re [person’s name]’s friend, right? How long have you known each other? - 你是[名字]的朋友,对吗?你们认识多久了?
  12. What do you enjoy doing after work? - 下班后你喜欢做什么?
  13. Do you have any other plans for the weekend aside from this event? - 除了这个活动,你周末还有其他计划吗?
  14. Would you like to dance? - 你想跳舞吗?



  1. So, how's your day going so far? - 您今天过得怎么样?
  2. Are you enjoying the [weather/season]? - 您喜欢这个[天气/季节]吗?
  3. Are you planning any special occasions that you're shopping for? - 您这次购物是为了什么特殊场合吗?
  4. Have you shopped with us before, or is this your first time? - 您以前在本店购物过吗,还是这是第一次?
  5. Are you familiar with our loyalty program or any ongoing promotions? - 您是否了解我们的会员计划或任何正在进行的促销活动呢?
  6. Did anything specific lead you to choose our store/company? - 有什么特别的原因让您选择了我们店/公司吗?
  7. Are you seeking anything in particular for a friend or family member? - 您是在为朋友或家人寻找什么特别的东西吗?
  8. Is there a certain occasion you're shopping for? - 您这次购物是为了出席什么特定场合吗?
  9. Are you planning to use [product] for yourself or as a gift? - 这个[产品]您是打算自用,还是作礼物送人?
  10. How are you spending your [holiday]? - 您[假期]打算怎么过呢?



这些闲聊的问题包罗万象,可以是“How is your day going?(你今天过得怎么样?)”这类基本问题,也可以是“What’s your favorite book?(你最喜欢的书是什么?)”或“What did you do last holiday?(你上个假期做了什么?)”这类具体问题。以下是主考官在这部分考试中可能会问到的一些问题。

  1. Can you tell me a little about yourself? - 能简单介绍一下你自己吗?
  2. How did you get here? Did you come by bus? - 你是怎么到这里来的?是坐公交车来的吗?
  3. It’s raining outside today. Do you enjoy rainy weather like this? - 今天外面下雨,你喜欢雨天吗?
  4. How are you feeling? - 你感觉怎么样?
  5. Where are you from/where did you grow up? - 你来自哪里/在哪里长大?
  6. How do you typically spend your weekends? - 你通常是怎么过周末的?
  7. What did you do last weekend? - 你上个周末做了什么?
  8. What did you have for breakfast this morning? - 你今天早餐吃什么了?
  9. Where did you go on your last holiday? - 你上个假期去了哪里?
  10. Do you enjoy learning/speaking English? - 你喜欢学习/说英语吗?
  11. What hobbies or interests do you have outside of learning English? - 除了学英语之外,你还有什么爱好或兴趣?
  12. Are you involved in any extracurricular activities? - 你参与了一些课外活动吗?
  13. Have you ever traveled to an English-speaking country? - 你去过哪个英语系国家吗?
  14. Are there any English-language films or TV shows you enjoy watching? - 你有什么喜欢的英语电影或电视节目吗?
  15. What's your favorite type of music? Can you name a favorite artist? - 你喜欢什么类型的音乐?能说出一个你喜欢的艺术家吗?
  16. What's your favorite book/movie? Tell me why. - 你最喜欢的书/电影是什么?说说为什么。



  1. Weather - 天气:经典的破冰话题,是每个人都能共鸣的中性话题。
  2. Hobbies and interests - 爱好和兴趣:询问别人在空闲时间喜欢做什么,可以引发有趣的对话。
  3. Food and cuisine - 食物和美食:谈论喜欢的菜肴、餐馆,或烹饪,可以引发愉快的对话。
  4. Books and movies - 书籍和电影:讨论最近读过的书或热门电影,可以帮助双方寻找共同兴趣。
  5. Family - 家庭:家庭成员、兄弟姐妹或成长经历等的话题通常比较受欢迎。
  6. Pets - 宠物:人们喜欢谈论自己的宠物并分享故事。
  7. Work or studies - 工作或学业:询问别人的工作、职业目标或学业,可能引发富有见解的讨论。
  8. Sports - 体育:体育爱好者通常喜欢讨论比赛、球队和运动员。
  9. Current events or trends - 时事或趋势:在轻松的氛围下讨论最近的新闻、事件或趋势,可能是一种很好的交流方式。但是,不要涉及政治或宗教观点。
  10. Holidays and celebrations - 节日和庆祝活动:询问别人如何庆祝节假日是个不错的破冰话题。
  11. Music - 音乐:讨论喜欢的乐队、音乐风格或音乐,便于双方寻找共同兴趣。



Making small talk at a sporting event is a great way to make new friends.




  1. Who’s your favorite player? - 你最喜欢的运动员是谁?
  2. Do you think [name of player] will win against [name of another player]? - 你认为[运动员姓名]会战胜[另一位运动员姓名]吗?
  3. Do you remember the championship from [date]? It was a great game! - 你还记得[日期]的锦标赛吗?那场比赛太棒了!
  4. What’s your favorite team? - 你最喜欢哪个队?
  5. Are you a fan of [sports]? - 你是[体育项目]的粉丝吗?
  6. Do you play [sports]? - 你玩[体育项目]吗?
  7. How long have you been playing [sports]? - 你玩[体育项目]多久了?
  8. Are you an avid fan? - 你是狂热粉丝/球迷吗?




  1. What brought you to this event? - 您为什么会参加这次活动?
  2. Why did you choose this event? - 您为什么选择参加这个活动?
  3. What do you think of the speakers? - 您对演讲者有什么看法?
  4. What’s your opinion on the key takeaways from [name of speaker]’s speech? - 您对[演讲者姓名]演讲的要点有何看法?
  5. What do you think of this event? - 您觉得这个活动怎么样?
  6. Is this your first time at this conference? - 这是您第一次参加这个会议吗?




  1. What are you drinking? Is it good? - 你在喝什么?好喝吗?
  2. What do you think of the music in this place? I think this DJ is great! - 你觉得这个地方的音乐怎么样?我觉得这位DJ很棒!
  3. I saw this DJ at a party I went to last week. Do you know him/her/them? - 我上周在一个派对上见过这位DJ。你认识TA吗?
  4. Do you come to this venue often? It’s my first time. - 你经常来这个地方吗?这是我第一次来。
  5. Are you here with friends? - 你是和朋友一起来的吗?
  6. How do you know the birthday guy/girl/person? - 你是怎么认识今天的寿星的?
  7. Did you also come here for [name of the person]’s birthday/goodbye party? - 你也是来参加[姓名]的生日/告别派对的吗?



  1. Your sense of style is fantastic! Who do you draw your inspiration from? - 你的时尚品味真是太棒了!你的灵感来自于谁?
  2. I love your [piece of clothing/accessory]! Where did you get it? - 我太喜欢你的[服装/配饰]了!你哪里买的?
  3. I love your hair color! Do you always wear it like this, or did you dye it just for the festival? - 我太喜欢你的发色了!你平时也是这个颜色吗,还是为了这个音乐节特意染的?
  4. Is it the first time you come to [artist’s name] concert/[name of festival]? - 这是你第一次来[艺术家的名字]的演唱会/[音乐节的名字]吗?
  5. How long have you been [artist’s name]’s fan? - 你是[艺术家的名字]的粉丝多久了?
  6. What’s your favorite [artist’s name]’s song? - 你最喜欢[艺术家的名字]的哪首歌?
  7. Who are you most excited to see? (when on a festival or concert with lots of artists) - (当在有很多艺术家的音乐节或演唱会上时)你最期待见到谁?



  1. I didn’t think it would be so busy today. - 我没想到今天会这么忙。
  2. How long have you been waiting for your turn? - 你等了多久了?
  3. Is it the first time you’re coming to see this doctor? - 这是你第一次来看这位医生吗?
  4. It looks like we’ll be here for a while! - 看起来我们会在这里待上一段时间了!
  5. It seems like they have some sort of a delay today. - 今天似乎有点慢。


一般来说,应该尽量避免任何可能会引起反感、争议或打探隐私的话题。例如,避免谈论宗教信仰、政治和有争议的时事等话题,还应避免询问对方的年龄、评论其外貌(除非是赞许)以及谈论死亡或疾病等负面的事情。 闲聊的目的是让双方一直都有话说,所以不要太深入地谈论你的个人观点,也不要大肆抱怨比较私人的话题,这些应该等友谊进一步深入后再谈。


结束一场糟糕的谈话可能和谈话本身一样尴尬。然而,结束一场精彩的谈话也很有挑战性,因为你实际上并不想结束它,或者你不想打断它。为了礼貌地结束与某人的对话,最好的建议是使用一个可行的借口,比如“It was great chatting with you, but I have to get back to work… Have a nice day! - 和你聊得很愉快,但我得回去工作了……祝你今天愉快!”或“I have to run, my bus is here. Have a great rest of your day! - 我得走了,公交车到了。祝你今天过得愉快!”


Ending a conversation comfortably.

Well, this was fun! 嗯,有点儿意思!




