

Karolina Assi





After checking the weather in English, these friends headed to the beach.


在英语中,天气(weather)是很常用的单词。其美式英语发音是<ˈweðər>,英式英语发音是<ˈweðə(r)> 。因为天气是不可数名词,所以它只有单数形式。


  • “天气 - weather”用于描述大气中的风、温度、湿度等状态。例如“The weather outside is nice. - 外面的天气很好。
  • “气候 - climate”用于描述特定地区的一般天气。例如“The UK has a temperate climate. - 英国气候温和。”
  • “温度 - temperature”用来描述天气的冷热程度,其单位是度(摄氏度或华氏度,具体视国家而定)。例如“The temperature is 30 degrees Celsius. - 气温是30摄氏度。”



Women horse riding and talking about the weather in English.

  • What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?
  • What’s the weather like in your country? 你们国家的天气怎么样?
  • How’s the weather? 天气怎么样?
  • What’s the temperature today? 今天多少度?
  • What’s the weather forecast? 天气预报怎么说?
  • Such beautiful weather today, isn’t it? 今天天气真好,不是吗?
  • Are you a hot weather person or a cold weather person? 你是喜欢热天还是冷天?
  • It’s hot/cold outside. 外面很热/冷。
  • It’s cloudy outside. It might rain soon! 外面多云,可能马上要下雨了!
  • It’s raining cats and dogs! 雨下得很大!
  • A storm is coming. 暴风雨要来了。
  • It’s sunny outside but with a cool breeze. 外面阳光明媚,但有凉爽的微风。
  • It’s looking like it’ll be as cold as 5 degrees this morning. 看起来今早的气温可能会降到5度。
  • The sun is shining outside. 外面阳光灿烂。
  • The weather’s nice today. 今天天气很好。
  • Can you believe how cold it is outside?! It’s freezing! 你能相信外面有多冷吗?简直冷死了!


  • It’s going to be hot this Sunday, should we go to the beach? 这个 星期天 会很热,我们要不要去海滩?
  • November this year has been warmer than usual. 今年的11月 比往常暖和。




  • It is + 形容词: It is snowy了。 It is rainy.了。
  • It is + 动词-ing: It is snowing. 正在下呢。It is raining. 正在下呢。
  • There is a + 名词: There is a storm. 有一场暴风雨。There is a drought. 有一场干旱


  • It was rainy yesterday. 昨天下雨了。
  • It was raining yesterday. 昨天正在下雨。
  • There was a storm yesterday. 昨天有一场暴风雨。


Breeze - 微风/ ˈbriːz /Breez
Clear sky - 晴空/ ˈklɪr ˈskaɪ /Klihr skai
Cloudless - 无云的/ ˈklaʊdləs /Klowd-luhs
Clouds - 云/ ˈklaʊdz /Klowdz
Cloudy - 多云的/ ˈklaʊdi /Klau-dee
Drizzle - 毛毛雨/ ˈdrɪzl̩ /Dri-zl
Fog - 雾/ ˈfɑːɡ /Fog
Foggy - 多雾的/ ˈfɑːɡi /Fog-ee
Gloomy - 阴沉的/ ˈɡluːmi /Gloo-mee
Hail - 冰雹/ ˈheɪl /Hayl
Hailing - 下冰雹/ ˈheɪlɪŋ /Hay-luhng
Muggy - 闷热的/ ˈmʌɡi /Muh-gee
Overcast - 阴天/ ˌoʊvəˈkɑːst /Over-kast
Pouring - 倾盆大雨/ ˈpɔːrɪŋ /Paw-ruhng
Rain - 雨/ ˈreɪn /Rayn
Raining - 下雨/ ˈreɪnɪŋ /Ray-nuhng
Rainy - 多雨的/ ˈreɪni /Ray-nee
Sleet - 雨夹雪/ sˈliːt /Sleet
Sleeting - 下雨夹雪/ ˈsliːtɪŋ /Slee-tuhng
Snow - 雪/ ˈsnoʊ /Snow
Snowing - 下雪/ ˈsnoʊɪŋ /Snow-uhng
Snowy - 多雪的/ ˈsnoʊɪ /Snow-ee
Stormy - 暴风雨的/ ˈstɔːrmi /Stor-mee
Sun - 太阳/ ˈsən /Suhn
Sunny - 晴朗的/ ˈsʌni /Suh-nee
Sunrays - 阳光/ ˈsʌn ˈreɪz /Suhn-rayz
Sunshine - 阳光、日照/ ˈsʌnˌʃaɪn /Suhn-shine
Wind - 风/ wɪnd /Wind
Windless - 无风的/ ˈwɪndləs /Wind-luhs
Windy - 多风的/ ˈwindi /Win-dee
Partly sunny/rainy/cloudy - 部分晴/雨/多云/ ˈpɑːrtli ˈsʌni ˈreɪni ˈklaʊdi /Paart-lee suh-nee / ray-nee / klau-dee



The beautiful aurora borealis is an example of extreme weather in English.

Aurora - 极光/ əˈrɔːrə /Uh-raw-rah
Ball lightning - 球状闪电/ bɔ:l ˈlaɪtn̩ɪŋ /Baal lite-nuhng
Black ice - 黑冰/ blæk ˈaɪs /Blak ise
Cold front - 冷锋/ ˈkoʊld ˈfrənt /Kowld fruhnt
Cyclone - 气旋/ sɪˈkloʊn /Sai-klown
Downpour - 倾盆大雨/ ˈdaʊnpɔːr /Down-por
Drought - 干旱/ ˈdraʊt /Draaft
Dust devil - 沙尘旋风/ dʌst ˈdevl̩ /Duhst deh-vl
Dust storm - 尘暴/ dʌst ˈstɔːrm /Duhst storm
Eclipse - 日食/月食/ ɪˈklɪps /Uh-klips
Eye of a storm - 风眼/ eɪ əv ə ˈstɔːrm /Ai of a storm
Flash flood - 暴洪/ ˈflæʃ ˈfləd /Flash fluhd
Flood - 洪水/ ˈfləd /Fluhd
Frost - 霜/ ˈfrɒst /Frasst
Gale - 大风/ ˈɡeɪl /Geil
Gradient wind - 梯度风/ ˈɡreɪdɪənt wɪnd /Gray-dee-uhnt wind
Heatwave - 热浪/ ˈhiːtweɪv /Hee-twayv
Hurricane - 飓风/ ˈhɜːrəˌken /Hur-uh-kayn
Ice - 冰/ ˈaɪs /Ise
Ice storm - 冰暴/ ˈaɪs ˈstɔːrm /Ise storm
Lightning - 闪电/ ˈlaɪtn̩ɪŋ /Lite-nuhng
Monsoon - 季风/ manˈsuːn /Maan-soon
Mudslide - 泥石流/ ˈmədslaɪd /Muhd-slide
Rain shadow - 雨影/ ˈreɪn ˈʃæˌdoʊ /Rayn sha-dow
Rainfall - 降雨量/ ˈreɪnˌfɒl /Rayn-faal
Ridge - 高压带/ ˈrɪdʒ /Rij
Sand storm - 沙尘暴/ ˈsænd ˈstɔːrm /Sand storm
Thunder - 雷/ ˈθʌndər /Thuhn-dr
Thunderstorm - 雷暴/ ˈθʌndərˌstɔːrm /Thuhn-dr-storm
Tornado - 龙卷风/ tɔːrˈneɪˌdoʊ /Tor-nay-dow
Tropical air mass - 热带气团/ ˈtrɑːpɪkl̩ ˈeər ˈmæs /Traa-puh-kl er mas
Tropical storm - 热带风暴/ ˈtrɑːpɪkl̩ ˈstɔːrm /Traa-puh-kl storm
Tsunami - 海啸/ tsuːˈnɑːmi /Soo-naa-mee
Typhoon - 台风/ ˌtaɪˈfuːn /Tai-foon
Whiteout - 乳白天空/ ˌwaɪt ˈaʊt /Wite-out



Celsius - 摄氏度/ ˈselsiəs /Sel-see-uhs
Degrees - 度/ dɪˈɡriːz /Duh-greez
Fahrenheit - 华氏度/ ˈferənˌhaɪt /Feh-ruhn-hite
It’s chilly - 天有点凉/ ˈɪts ˈtʃɪli /Its chi-lee
It’s cold - 天冷/ ˈɪts koʊld /Its kowld
It’s dry - 天气干燥/ ˈɪts ˈdraɪ /Its drai
It’s freezing - 天气太冷了/ ˈɪts ˈfriːzɪŋ /Its free-zuhng
It’s hot - 天热/ ˈɪts hɑːt /Its haat
It’s humid - 天气潮湿/ ˈɪts ˈhjuːməd /Its hyoo-muhd
It’s nice outside - 外面天气很好/ ˈɪts ˈnaɪs ˈaʊtˈsaɪd /Its nais outsaid
It’s very hot - 天气很热/ ˈɪts ˈveri hɑːt /Its veh-ree haat
It’s warm - 天气暖和/ ˈɪts ˈwɔːrm /Its worm
It’s wet outside - 外边下雨了/ ˈɪts ˈwet ˈaʊtˈsaɪd /Its wet outsaid
It’s 30 degrees Celsius - 摄氏30度/ ˈɪts ˈθɝːti dɪˈɡriːz ˈselsiəs /Its thur-tee duh-greez sel-see-uhs
It’s 70 degrees Fahrenheit - 华氏70度/ ˈɪts ˈsevənti dɪˈɡriːz ˈferənˌhaɪt /Its seh-vuhn-tee duh-greez feh-ruhn-hite
Room temperature - 室温/ ruːm ˈtemprətʃər /Room tem-pruh-chr



Man climbs to the top of a mountain to enjoy the weather in English.

Atmospheric pressure - 大气压/ ˌætməsˌferɪk ˈpreʃər /At-muh-sfee-ruhk preh-shr
Autumn - 秋季/ ˈɒtəm /Aa-tm
Bad weather - 恶劣天气/ ˌbæd ˈweðər /Bad weh-thr
Barometer - 气压计/ bəˈrɑːmətər /Br-aa-muh-tr
Blizzard - 暴风雪/ ˈblɪzərd /Bli-zrd
Climate - 气候/ ˈklaɪmət /Klai-muht
Climate change - 气候变化/ ˈklaɪmət ˈtʃeɪndʒ /Klai-muht chaynj
Dawn - 黎明/ ˈdɒn /Daan
Extreme weather event - 极端天气事件/ ɪkˈstriːm ˈweðə ɪˈvent /Uhk-streem wuh-thr uh-vent
Flurry - 小阵雨/小阵雪/ ˈflɜːri /Flur-ee
Global warming - 全球变暖/ ˈɡloʊbl̩ ˈwɔːrmɪŋ /Glow-buhl wor-muhng
Good weather - 好天气/ gʊ ˈweðər /Gud wuh-thr
Gust - 阵风/ ˈɡəst /Guhst
Meteorology - 气象学/ ˌmitiəˈrɑːlədʒi /Mee-tee-ur-aa-luh-jee
Precipitation - 降水/ prəˌsɪpəˈteɪʃn̩ /Pruh-si-puh-tay-shn
Rainbow - 彩虹/ ˈreɪnˌboʊ /Rayn-bow
Sea surface temperature - 海表温度/ ˈsi: ˈsɝːfəs ˈtemprətʃər /See sur-fuhs tem-pruh-chr
Shower - 阵雨/ ˈʃaʊər /Shau-ur
Spring - 春季/ ˈsprɪŋ /Spring
Squall - 狂风/ ˈskwɒl /Skwaal
Summer - 夏季/ ˈsʌmər /Suh-mr
Sunrise - 日出/ ˈsʌnˌraɪz /Suhn-rize
Sunset - 日落/ ˈsʌnˌset /Suhn-set
Temperature - 温度/ ˈtemprətʃər /Tem-pruh-chr
Thermometer - 温度计/ θərˈmɑːmətər /Thr-maa-muh-tr
Trough - 低压槽/ ˈtrɒf /Traaf
Warm front - 暖锋/ wɔ:m ˈfrənt /Worm fruhnt
Water cycle - 水循环/ wɔ:tər ˈsaɪkl̩ /Waa-tr sai-kl
Weather forecast - 天气预报/ ˈweðə ˈfɔːrˌkæst /Wuh-thr for-kast
Weather report - 气象报告/ ˈweðə riˈpɔːrt /Wuh-thr ruh-port
Weatherman - 气象员/ ˈweðərˌmæn /Wuh-thr man
Wind direction - 风向/ waɪnd dəˈrekʃn̩ /Wind dr-ek-shn
Wind warning - 大风预警/ waɪnd ˈwɔːrnɪŋ /Wind wor-nuhng
Winter - 冬季/ ˈwɪntər /Win-tr



习语 - 直译真正含义
As right as rain - 像雨一样好感觉健康或恢复健康
Come rain or shine - 不管雨天还是晴天风雨无阻
Every cloud has a silver lining - 乌云背后总有一线光芒在困境中,仍期望一切都会好起来
It’s raining cats and dogs - 天上下着猫和狗倾盆大雨
Lightning fast - 闪电般的速度快如闪电
On cloud nine - 九霄云上非常快乐,幸福无比
To be a breeze - 成为微风轻而易举
To chase rainbows - 追逐彩虹追求难以实现的事物
To feel under the weather - 感觉在天气之下感到身体不适
To have a face like thunder - 有一张像雷一样的脸面带愠怒
To have one’s head in the clouds - 把头埋在云里对某事有不切实际的想法
To rain on someone’s parade - 在别人的游行中下雨给某人泼冷水
To steal someone’s thunder - 偷某人的雷抢某人的风头
To take a rain check - 拿张雨票改期
To throw caution to the wind - 把谨慎扔进风里不顾一切




  • Beautiful day, isn’t it? - 天气真好,不是吗?
  • Yeah, the sun has been shining all day! It’s been a while since we had such lovely weather in England. - 是啊,阳光明媚了一整天!英格兰好久没有这么好的天气了。
  • You’re right! It’s pretty hot today. - 你说得对!今天很热。
  • Yes! A great day for a nice picnic. - 是的!是个适合野餐的好天气。


  • It’s freezing today, don’t you think? - 今天真冷,你不觉得吗?
  • Absolutely! I think it’s around 15 degrees below zero. - 绝对是!我觉得温度大约在零下15度左右。
  • Hopefully, it doesn’t snow. - 希望不会下雪。
  • Oh, I hope it does! I love snow! - 哦,我希望下雪!我喜欢雪!


  • So, what’s the weather like in your country? - 那么,在你的国家天气怎么样?
  • It depends on the region. We have all four seasons. - 这取决于地区,我们那里四季分明。
  • And what region are you from? - 你来自哪个地区?
  • I’m from Tenerife. It’s always hot and sunny there! - 我来自特内里费岛,那里总是热浪滚滚,阳光明媚!
  • I love hot weather! I bet I’d be very happy there. - 我喜欢热浪天!在那里我肯定会很开心。

It was a breeze, wasn’t it? 如微风般轻而易举,不是吗?




