Learn faster with private language lessons

A private language course is tailored to suit your goals and schedule. With the instructor’s undivided attention in every class, you are learning 100% of the time.

You can choose your own schedule and change it every week to suit your needs and availability. You can also adjust the intensity of your lessons to suit your own learning pace. During each class, you’ll receive immediate and specific feedback from the instructor, which will ensure you achieve your goals and progress as planned.

Benefits of private language lessons:

  • Personalized, one-on-one or two-on-one language instruction
  • Flexibility - a schedule and pace based on your needs
  • Improve your self-confidence and language skills in a short period of time
  • The curriculum can be tailored to include your specific business terminology and vocabulary
  • We can help you prepare for a presentation, a foreign visa or job interview, language exam speaking tests (eg. TOEIC, OPIc, Inlingua etc)
  • Multiple platform delivery – instruction can be delivered at a Berlitz language center, at your company, or online, you choose
  • Lessons are transferable to your family members or colleagues