Learn Danish with Berlitz and get the skills you need to speak naturally in any social situation. At Berlitz, we have over a century of experience training people just like you to master language. We combine experience, expert methodology, and the latest technology to provide you with a world-class education.

Benefits of learning Danish:

  • Make new friends: around six million people speak Danish worldwide, so when you learn the language, you open opportunities to make friends with Danish fluent speakers.
  • Easy to learn: according to linguists, Danish is a relatively easy language to learn and it is a gateway to more Scandinavian languages like Swedish, Norwegian, and Icelandic.
  • Gateway to citizenship: if you are hoping to live in Denmark, fluency in the language is a requirement for the citizenship test, and it will open employment and business opportunities across the nation.

In-person Danish classes in Copenhagen

Private classes

Enjoy private classes 100% tailored to you. Your instructor is focussed wholly on your development, crafting classes around your interests, your goals, your challenges, and your learning style. You will get instant feedback and intensive instruction to help you reach your individual learning goals.

Group classes

Our group language courses will provide you with the perfect opportunity to practice real-life conversations and perfect your Danish. Based on immersion, interaction, and feedback, you will develop a strong skill set that will give you the confidence to speak Danish freely in any social or work situation.

Intensive classes

Perfect for people who need Danish language skills fast, our intensive Danish classes in Copenhagen will immerse you in the language and the culture of Denmark. Each full-day lesson will teach you not only how to speak the language, but how to converse with the cultural nuance of a local.

Online Danish classes

If the in-person option is not suitable for you, we have a host of online courses to choose from that will allow you to study when you want, where you want.