カルチャー ナビゲーターとは Meet the Cultural Navigator


「Cultural Navigator」は多言語で使用できるため、旅行の際や会議などの前にもすばやく確認ができます。

This online application provides comprehensive cultural and business information designed to increase your competitive advantage in today’s global business environment. The Cultural Navigator offers a unique learning experience that can be personalised based on your business interests and customised to your organisation’s initiatives.

The Cultural Navigator helps users learn about their own personal cultural preferences and introduces them to the tools they need to communicate and collaborate more effectively with those from different backgrounds.

The platform includes dozens of learning activities and networking opportunities to facilitate collaboration across cultures.

Why use the Cultural Navigator?

To achieve your goals in an international business environment, your employees need to be culturally competent. Cultural Navigator provides a scalable, flexible and measurable way to develop these essential skills.


  1. 海外出張の多い人

  2. 多国籍企業で、他の国籍の同僚らと一緒に働く人

  3. 海外支社・事務所に異動するマネージャー職など上級職の人

  4. 移住や国際結婚などで新しい国で生活を始める人・家族

The Cultural Navigator delivers timely cultural and business intelligence to enable a company to achieve the following goals:

  • Prepare employees to do business in global markets
  • Scan the world for management and business practices across cultures
  • Develop cultural competence to build and manage global alliances, partnerships and value networks
  • Obtain critical market knowledge to conduct business across cultures and geographies
  • Enhance cultural understanding and bridge cultural differences


Understand your cultural preferences

Our cultural assessment, the Cultural Orientations Indicator, is organised into three dimensions to help you identify your cultural preferences across your Interaction Style, Thinking Style, and Sense of Self. The COI is psychometrically validated for reliable results. The assessment and report are available in 12 languages: English, Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Americano Latino), Spanish (Espanol), and Turkish.

Beyond handshakes and business cards

We believe that culture goes beyond language and traditions – it’s an essential part of understanding how organisations, teams and individuals function. Our comprehensive approach to culture is behind every part of Cultural Navigator, from our best-in-class assessment and comparison tools featuring a neutral vocabulary to spark discussions and engagement, to our dynamic e-learning activities designed for the adult learner.

Real people. Real expertise

Spanning over 100 countries, with expert managerial, negotiation and inclusion research for nearly 60 of them, our extensive knowledge base has been and continues to be developed by our network of consultants and researchers. Self-directed Internet research and travel guides can’t match our years of knowledge and experience when it comes to conducting business across borders.


Personalised learning

Because everyone’s individual culture is unique, so is everyone’s experience in the Cultural Navigator. We make it easy to select topics of interest and build deep knowledge with Learning Paths, which can be chosen by the individual or suggested by managers. The COI cultural assessment and all corresponding individual reports are available in multiple languages. Cultural Navigator is accessible from anywhere you have Internet access – including tablet devices.

Training that fits with your organisation

You can log in to Cultural Navigator through a personalised portal, or you can log in seamlessly through your corporate intranet. Cultural Navigator can also report completion analytics to your SCORM-compliant learning management system. As a fully hosted solution, deploying Cultural Navigator means no additional hardware or maintenance expense, whether you’re serving 1,000 users or 10,000 employees worldwide.

Cultural Navigator is from TMC, a Berlitz company, recognised as the world’s premier provider of language training and cultural consulting. The training offered through our online learning platform is backed by over 140 years of experience and innovation.

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