



マンツーマン ライブオンライン コース

レベルベース プラス 

  • プライベート40レッスン(1レッスン45分)
  • 英語、スペイン語、ドイツ語、フランス語、中国語、日本語など40か国語に対応
  • 24/7フレキシブルにご自身でご予約可能。
  • ご自身に合わせたゴール設定
  • 24時間前のキャンセルや予約変更可能。(10回まで)

スキルベース プラス

  • プライベート40レッスン(1レッスン45分)
  • スペシャルスキルコース(カスタマーサービス、人事、交渉、経理など)
  • 英語、スペイン語、ドイツ語、フランス語に対応
  • 24/7フレキシブルにご自身でご予約可能。

  • ご自身に合わせたゴール設定

  • 24時間前のキャンセルや予約変更可能。(5回まで)

プライベート デラックス 

  • 10レッスンからお好きなレッスン数を選べます。
  • 英語その他ご希望の諸外国語に対応。
  • 45分クラスもしくは60クラスを選択できます。
  • レッスン内容はご自身で興味のあるトピックなどをお選びいただけます。
  • 短期で上達をご希望の方に最適です。
  • 24時間前までキャンセル可能。




ご自身の進捗状況のモニタリングもでき、好きな時にできる練習問題も豊富。You can track and monitor your progress, download and upload files for your next lesson, and complete additional practice activities at any time.



Choose a course type that suits your needs, learning goals and budget. The 40-lesson course is designed for people to complete one Berlitz proficiency level. The 20-lesson package is for specific skills areas such as using English (or German, Spanish, etc.) for: Customer Service, Meetings, HR, Presentations, Finance & Accounting, etc.

Deluxe courses are the ultimate bespoke program. You can study for just a small number of lessons if you need some quick practice for a specific reason such as a job interview, exam, a business trip, or just to give you some more practice.

This is also the most affordable and convenient way to learn as you can pay for your lessons in a block of 10 lessons each time. Even if you want to do many lessons, you can just enrol for this minimum number each time until you have reached your target level. The minimum lesson package is 10 X 45-minute lessons.

When booking your lessons online, you can decide how many lessons each week you can fit in your busy schedule. You can book 2 or 3 lessons each week or more if you have enough time, once a week, or daily lessons of 45 minutes or 1 hour each if that is convenient. 

We always recommend at least twice each week to ensure rapid results, but this is up to you. Choose a day and time that is convenient for you. 

For most language programs, Berlitz has 10 proficiency levels, ranging from Level 1 (Beginner) up to Level 10 (fluent, native-level). For more information about each level, follow this link: Proficiency Levels

There is about 40 languages that we offer via the Berlitz Live Online platform. These include: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Greek, Portuguese, Hindi, Afrikaans, Arabic, Farsi, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, Dutch, Swedish, Bosnian, Croatian, Danish, Polish, Serbian, Romanian, Thai, Turkish.

Please note that some rare languages (less common) do cost more than learning English, French or Spanish.  

We offer the following payment options:

  • Up-front payment in advance - we accept online payments, all credit cards, direct deposit and international remittance transfers.
  • Online payments can also be made via our Online Store, including Paypal, Google Pay, etc.


日本語でお問い合わせ下さい。 日本人スタッフよりご連絡をいたします。


