High-quality training and excellent service are essential for our customers. Train private customers as well as business partners with the world-renowned and unique Berlitz Method and apply at Berlitz Romania today!

Here is what you need to know if you wish to apply for a job at Berlitz Romania:

Your profile

  • Minimum bachelor's degree and/or business-related work experience
  • Strong communication, presentation, and organizational skills
  • Dynamic and creative approach to training
  • Openness to web-based instruction and distance learning
  • Native-fluent in the language you wish to teach
  • Outgoing, friendly, sociable, and patient
  • Available in the evenings as well as during the day
  • Own vehicle and driving license is an asset
  • In possession of a valid working permit

Not a teacher?

If you are not a teacher, that's OK. We provide training with the Berlitz Method, which is not only fun but also extremely effective! 

Would you like to work for us as a language instructor? To receive further information on visa stipulations and living and working in Romania, please send an email to recruiting@berlitz.ro.

Find out more

Fill in the form below and we’ll contact you to discuss your learning options and answer any questions you may have.