Men shaking each other's hands before their intensive French class with Berlitz Algeria

Intensive French courses - Total Immersion

Learn French with our unique program - Total Immersion. Language immersion with our French classes is the best way to dive into and speak the language confidently. Whether you’re getting ready for an interview, giving an online presentation to people from other countries, or leading a business meeting in French, our immersive French courses are designed to help you learn the language quickly.

During your intensive French courses, you will have up to 5 lessons a week with your teachers, who will apply 100% personalized content simulating situations that you will face in real life. This way, you will have the necessary skills for the circumstances you will be exposed to.

Benefits of immersive French courses at Berlitz Algeria

  • Accelerated learning and quick progress
  • One-to-one individual attention from your instructor
  • Personalized lesson plan
  • Continuous instructor feedback
  • Easily accessible online classes
Woman smiling and looking out the window before her intensive French course with Berlitz Algeria

Intensive French classes are for those who:

  • Want to learn French quickly
  • Focus on specific skills
  • Prepare for an interview
  • Have business meetings with colleagues from abroad

Experience language immersion through French classes that include cultural aspects.

Find out more

Fill in the form below and we’ll contact you to discuss your learning options and answer any questions you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions

With Berlitz Algeria, you can take intensive French lessons online from anywhere.

Intensive French language programs at Berlitz Algiers are designed to reach fast results with personalized instructions and effective time management.