ÖSD test - so German is no longer a "foreign" language

German skills for residence, citizenship, job and study purposes.

ÖSD, the Österreichische Sprachdiplom Deutsch, is an officially recognized language diploma that permits studies or residence in Austria.

The rigorous testing system for German as a foreign or second language is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) and is offered at nine levels of difficulty. From A1 basic German to C1 higher level or C2 Business German, the ÖSD test adapts to your skills perfectly. The test, which takes approximately 2.5 hours, is conducted in more than 150 countries and 900 examination centers.

Benefits of preparing for an ÖSD test at Berlitz:

  • Individual preparation for the ÖSD examination with private instruction
  • The four exam skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking
  • Intensive individual instruction with a native-speaking trainer
  • Your Berlitz coach is well-informed about the examination requirements
  • You can start your preparation anytime by appointment

The ÖSD certificate is a prerequisite for:

  • Acquiring a residence permit (A1, family reunification)
  • Fulfilling the Integration Agreement (A2 / B1)
  • Obtaining Austrian citizenship (B1)
  • Additional qualification for the Public Employment Service Austria (AMS) and vocational institutions
  • Access to Austrian universities (B2, C1 or C2)

Which ÖSD test is the right one for me?

Before you decide on an exam, we assess your current level with an oral test at the Berlitz Center and help you locate the test that is best suited to your goals and language skills. Once we have determined the optimum exam together, we prepare you for it in flexible and efficient individual instruction. You then quickly acquire the necessary skills and background knowledge that you need for effective exam preparation.

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