Language certificates and diplomas

We bring you up to standard for internationally recognized language certificates and offer exam preparation courses for the following language proficiency exams. Many Berlitz Centers also serve as official examination centers where you can register directly for the exam.

Language proficiency exams

Österreichische Sprachdiplom Deutsch, is an officially recognized language diploma that can verify your language skills to authorities, companies or universities in order to study or live in Austria. This testing system is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) and is offered at nine levels of difficulty.

We help you prepare for this highly regarded qualification for entry into primary schools, high schools, universities, colleges as well as business English language proficiency. Cambridge University certificates such as KET, PET and FCE are recognized globally.

The CELI is most commonly used by Italian higher education institutions as a way of verifying a foreigner's Italian language proficiency. At Berlitz we’re ready to help you achieve your goals of studying abroad by preparing you to ace the test with a dedicated teacher and specialized materials. The DELE is the most widely recognised and respected title of Spanish language proficiency in the world. Often used as an entry requirement for non-native-speakers applying to Spanish speaking universities.

The TOEFL uses American English and commonly serves as an entrance requirement for U.S. universities. This language test comprises of four sections: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The IELTS exams is the most widely accepted English proficiency exam for school and university entry as well as by businesses worldwide. We help you prepare for this exam so you’ll be sure to meet your English language goals in the fastest, most efficient way possible.
The TOEIC is the worldwide standard for English in the workplace and is used by more than 5,000 international companies as a hiring criteria and training standard. Many academic institutions also use this test as an entrance requirement or as a final certification. It consists of a listening section and a reading section.

The DELF and DALF are French language diplomas backed by the French Ministry of Education to prove French proficiency in non-native-speakers. The TFI examination is good for anyone wishing to test their French proficiency. The TFI examines your academic and workplace French skills. Used by international companies and universities, it evaluates listening and reading comprehension.

More testing options…

Berlitz also offers the following language tests:

Berlitz Test of Listening and Reading Skills

Online-Multiple-Choice-Test. Focus on listening, reading, vocabulary, and grammar.
Duration: 60 to 90 minutes
Available languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, and German

Berlitz Test of Speaking Skills

Phone-based interview developed in association with the University of Illinois. Precise assessment of active language skills in a business context, including pronunciation and intonation.
Duration: 20 minutes
Available languages: Can be conducted in all languages

Berlitz Test of Writing Skills

Developed in association with the University of Illinois. Detailed assessment of writing skills (various writing tasks encountered in the workplace, such as emails, memos, and reports).
Duration: 60 minutes
Available languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian and German

All of the above available language tests provide you with transparency regarding your current level of foreign language proficiency.

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