TOEFL and IELTS tests - a powerful duo

This is your international "English driver's license" for success in education and employment. When it comes to a coveted college places in the US and Canada, or your dream job "down under", there is no better alternative than TOEFL and IELTS.

TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language

The TOEFL test is a requirement for admission to many English-language universities, especially in the USA and Canada. Many authorities in North America also require this qualification before issuing a work permit, and numerous employers will only award a job if you have it. The internet-based test, offered by the US company ETS (Educational Testing Service), is conducted in over 180 countries and measures the ability of non-native-speakers to communicate effectively and fluently in English. A successful TOEFL result requires good to excellent English skills in the areas of listening and reading comprehension, grammar, syntax and vocabulary. Depending on the university, between roughly 70 and 100 points are required for a college place, corresponding to a CEF level of B1 - C2.

IELTS - International English Language Testing System

Some 1.4 million people yearly prepare for a business or private stay abroad with the internationally recognized IELTS test. It is required by universities and colleges particularly in Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand as a prerequisite for admission, and many professional bodies require it when granting a work permit.

The exam is conducted in over 1,100 test centers in 120 countries. If your level of English is sufficiently good, a preparatory course for IELTS is not strictly necessary. However, it makes sense to familiarize yourself thoroughly with the quite demanding test procedure in advance. The examination lasts about three hours and tests listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. The final mark ranges from 1 ("non-user") to 9 ("expert-user").

Benefits of preparing for and undertaking a TOEFL or IELTS test:

  • High success rate through careful preparation with native-speaking trainers
  • You receive targeted lessons for each respective test format
  • You gain greater self-confidence in the exam with intensive practice beforehand
  • Test center in the vicinity
  • Regular exam dates

What are my chances of success in the exam?

Before you decide on an exam, we assess your English with a test at a Berlitz Center, to establish your current level. We provide you with feedback on your chances of success and, if necessary, you can prepare specifically for the exam with private lessons from Berlitz.

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