Learn a foreign language and expand your horizons

Whether you want to boost your career prospects, prepare for a language test, or just feel like learning something new – with Berlitz, you can learn any foreign language that interests you.

Drawing on our proven training methods, our native-speaker trainers will ensure you make rapid progress. Quickly gain confidence and speak your chosen language – right from the very first class.

Lessons are structured to help you learn a new language from scratch, just like a native speaker would. The topics you study are also chosen to match your personal aims and requirements. This is important to reach your personal language goals as quickly as possible.

Women talking to each other and laughing after their language class with Berlitz France

Why it’s really worth learning a new language:

  • Learning foreign languages is good for cognitive development
  • Foreign languages can boost your career prospects
  • Different languages and cultures broaden your horizons
  • Speaking more than one language makes things easier when you live and work abroad
  • People who speak foreign languages are often more self-confident

Learn a new language with us

Our courses, led by native-fluent instructors, are available for everyone who wants to learn a foreign language, irrespective of their age, goals or learning style.

Language courses for kids and teens

Language courses for adults

Language courses for businesses

Target group

teens between 12 and 17 years old

all adults

business professionals


for all levels

for all levels

for all levels

Class size

  • private courses
  • private courses
  • private courses
  • courses for teams

Class format

  • in-person courses
  • online courses
  • holiday courses
  • summer English camps
  • in-person courses
  • online courses
  • intensive courses
  • online self-study courses
  • phone/video call courses
  • blended learning
  • language test preparation courses
  • language study abroad
  • business language training in person and online
  • language test preparation courses

Skills you can acquire

  • Learn a foreign language and communicate spontaneously and naturally with confidence and fluency.
  • Use complex linguistic structures.
  • Talk during discussions, providing detailed and precise answers.
  • Speak about your interests and hobbies and your future academic plans.
  • Build strong language skills with a focus on proper grammar usage and a wide range of vocabulary.
  • Have smooth, spontaneous conversations and use your new language with confidence.
  • Develop your fluency, including proper pronunciation, intonation, and sentence structure.
  • Learn a second language by engaging in in-depth discussions about current events, your interests, or professional topics.
  • Expand your business vocabulary and learn the idioms and expressions commonly used in different business fields.
  • Gain the confidence and fluency to participate in meetings, deliver presentations, and negotiate deals with colleagues from around the world.
  • Learn how to write clear, concise, and professional emails, reports, and other business documents.
  • Negotiate contracts, deals, and prices.


Depending on your location, you can enroll for the following language exams in our language centers:

  • Bright
  • CLOE
  • Linguaskill

Depending on your location, you can enroll for the following language exams in our language centers:

  • Bright
  • CLOE
  • Linguaskill

Depending on your location, you can enroll for the following language exams in our language centers:

  • Bright
  • CLOE
  • Linguaskill


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Choose from a wide range of languages offered by Berlitz France

Find the course you are looking for and learn a second language with us!

Don't see your target language listed above? Contact us below for more information on whether your preferred language is available at one of our language schools in France or online.

How you'll learn with Berlitz

Blog: Handy hints on learning languages

Our language blog revolves around interesting topics such as languages, cultures, and education. The articles are entertaining, and you can also pick up some useful learning tips that will help you reach your goals. Take a look!

Find out more

Fill in the form below and we’ll contact you to discuss your learning options and answer any questions you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions

The best way to learn a language is to actively speak it. Your progress can be supported with a number of learning techniques that help you improve your skills naturally:

  • watching TV shows in your target language
  • reading books in your new language
  • listening to music in your target language and focusing on the lyrics

You will be able to practice your speaking and listening skills with our language courses at Berlitz France, where we use the Berlitz Method. Our renowned teaching method focuses on actively speaking your target language in conversations and practicing real-life situations. You can learn a foreign language by exercising your speaking skills with our online courses, in-person lessons, group courses and private lessons.

At Berlitz France, you can learn a second language:

  1. In person at one of our language centers in France:
  2. Contact us for courses in other cities where we don't have a physical language center.
  3. For more flexibility, you can choose online language classes as well, or learn with our online self-study courses.

You can choose between several languages to learn based on your goals. Whether you want to learn a new language for work, traveling, or relocation, you can browse Berlitz France's courses in the following languages:

The best way to learn a language is to actively speak and practice it. In our courses at Berlitz, all communication takes place in the target language – not only with your instructor but with your classmates as well. We also use role plays and simulations to link course content to everyday situations.

All of our lessons are based on the Berlitz Method. This allows you to learn all the key skills you will need when using a language: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Actively reading and writing is an integral part of our training. As a result, many of our courses feel more like workshops.

The training process is broken down into different stages. If you have no prior knowledge of a language, you will start with carefully monitored periods of practice, meaning that you will be corrected more frequently by your instructor. This will help you work on your pronunciation and the accuracy of your speech. The next stages are about putting what you have learned to use and joining in open conversations to practice. During this phase, your trainer will not correct you much. The exercises involving open conversation are an important part of improving fluency and feeling less inhibited about talking. It’s important to remember that making mistakes is part of the process and completely normal.

You may study more than one language at a time after taking an evaluation test and assessing your language fluency level.

Yes, they are. At Berlitz France, our lessons are a two-way flow between instructors and students with at least 50% participation of students during conversations.