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303 lively sports in Spanish terms that'll get the ball rolling

Few things can bring people together like sports can, so learning how to talk about sports in Spanish will help you connect with the locals.

Every culture has some type of sport or game they play for recreational or competitive purposes. Spanish-speaking countries are no different, with devoted fan bases for sports like soccer, baseball, boxing, and more.

In fact, one of the oldest sports in the world was developed in Mexico and Northern Central America. The Mesoamerican Ballgame was the first team sport that included the use of a ball, so you could think of it as a precursor to other ball games like football and basketball!

As you’ll surely notice as you continue learning Spanish, sports are a huge part of the everyday lives of Spanish speakers. So, being able to talk about sports will help you:

  • Make new friends as you discuss your shared interests.
  • Learn about local sports and local variations on sports.
  • Be more social by attending sports watch parties.
  • Introduce yourself more thoroughly by mentioning your favorite sports.
  • Buy tickets for sporting events.

With these in mind, it’s easy to see why learning sports vocabulary is one of the best things you can do!

How do you say “sports” in Spanish?

Of course, the first thing you’ll want to know is how to actually say sports. Luckily, there’s only one way to say it: los deportes. You can get some useful variations from this word as well, such as deportista (a person who does sports). Check out the following table for more details:

SportEl deportedeˈpoɾtedeh-pore-teh
SportsLos deportesdeˈpoɾtesdeh-pore-tes
SportspersonUn deportista / Una deportistadepoɾˈtistadeh-pore-tees-ta

How to have a conversation about sports

If you’re eagerly approaching the intermediate Spanish level, you’re probably trying to find ways to have more conversations with Spanish speakers. This is especially true if you’re a sports fan and want to discuss the latest game with the locals.

Well, even if you haven’t learned a lot of Spanish sports vocabulary yet, these simple phrases will get you talking conversationally in no time!

What’s your favorite sport?¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito?ˈkwal ˈɛs tu ðeˈpoɾte faβoˈɾitocoo-al es too deh-pore-teh fa-vo-ree-toe
My favorite sport is baseball.Mi deporte favorito es el béisbol. mi ðeˈpoɾte faβoˈɾito ˈɛs ɛl ˈβei̯s̬βolme deh-pore-teh fa-vo-re-toe es el beh-ees-bol
Do you like watching sports on the TV?¿Te gusta ver deportes en la tele?te ˈɣusta ˈβɛɾ ðeˈpoɾtes ɛ̃n la ˈteleteh goose-ta ver deh-pore-tes ehn la teh-leh
I’m not so much into watching sports on the TV.No me gusta mucho ver deportes en la tele.ˈno me ˈɣusta ˈmuʧo ˈβɛɾ ðeˈpoɾtes ɛ̃n la ˈteleno meh goose-ta moo-cho ver deh-pore-tes ehn la teh-le
Do you know who won the game last night?¿Sabes quién ganó el juego de anoche?ˈsaβes ˈkjɛ̃n ɡaˈno ɛl ˈxweɣo ðe aˈnoʧesa-bes key-ehn ga-no el who-eh-go deh ah-no-che
I’m a very athletic person.Soy una persona muy atlética.ˈsoj ˈuna pɛɾˈsona mwj at̚ˈlɛtikasoy oo-na per-so-na mooy ah-tleh-tee-ca
I used to swim as a kid, but now I prefer to run.Solía nadar de chiquito, pero ahora prefiero correr.soˈlia naˈðaɾ ðe ʧiˈkito | ˈpɛɾo aˈoɾa pɾeˈfjɛɾo koˈrɛɾso-lee-ah na-dar deh chee-key-to peh-ro ah-oh-ra preh-fee-air-oh co-rer
I like team sports the most.Los deportes en equipo son mis favoritos.los̬ ðeˈpoɾtes ɛn eˈkipo ˈsõm mis faβoˈɾitoslos deh-pore-tes ehn eh-key-po son mees fa-vo-ree-tos
Do you watch the Olympic games on TV?¿Ves las olimpiadas en la tele?ˈbes̬ las olĩmˈpjaðas ɛ̃n la ˈteleves las oh-leem-pee-ah-das ehn la teh-leh
What’s your favorite soccer team?¿Cuál es tu equipo de fútbol favorito?ˈkwal ˈɛs tw eˈkipo ðe ˈfutβol faβoˈɾitocoo-al es too eh-key-po fa-vo-ree-toe

Sport-related verbs in Spanish

Even if you’re just a beginner at Spanish, you probably can already tell that this is a verb-heavy language. As such, there are plenty of sport-related verbs that you should spend some time getting familiar with. And don’t forget about reviewing their conjugations!

To playJugarxuˈɣaɾhoo-gar
To do sportsHacer deporteaˈsɛɾ ðeˈpoɾteah-ser deh-pore-teh
To practicePracticarpɾak̚tiˈkaɾprac-tee-car
To winGanarɡaˈnaɾga-nar
To tieEmpatarɛ̃mpaˈtaɾem-pa-tar
To losePerderpɛɾˈðɛɾpear-der
To exerciseHacer ejercicioaˈsɛɾ exɛɾˈsisjoah-ser eh-her-see-see-oh
To competeCompetirkõmpɛˈtiɾcom-peh-teer
To get injuredLastimarselastiˈmaɾselas-tee-mar-seh
To restDescansardɛskãnˈsaɾdes-can-sar
To sign upInscribirseĩnskɾiˈβiɾseins-cree-beer-seh
To throwAventaraβɛ̃nˈtaɾah-vehn-tar
To catchAtraparatɾaˈpaɾah-tra-par
To cheer onEchar porraseˈʧaɾ ˈporaseh-char poh-ras
To defeatDerrotardɛroˈtaɾdeh-ro-tar
To defendDefenderdefɛ̃nˈdɛɾdeh-fen-dehr
To passPasarpaˈsaɾpa-sar
To performDesempeñardesɛ̃mpeˈɲaɾdes-ehm-peh-nyar
To shootTirartiˈɾaɾtee-rar
To tackleAbordaraβoɾˈðaɾah-bore-dar

List of sports in Spanish

Now, let’s get into what you really came for: the ultimate list. We’ll cover practically every sport imaginable, from soccer to tennis in Spanish and beyond. We’ve broken down the list into more manageable chunks, so make sure to make your way through all sections if you can’t find the sport you’re looking for!

Outdoor sports 

Few things can fill you up with endorphins like playing sports outdoors. If you enjoy a good hike on a nice, sunny day or playing baseball with your friends, then this section is for you! Check out the table below to learn how to say outdoor sports like hiking and baseball in Spanish.

Surfing and other outdoor sports in Spanish.

AthleticsEl atletismoat̚lɛˈtis̬moah-tleh-tees-mo
BaseballEl béisbolˈβei̯s̬βolbeh-ees-bol
SoftballEl softballsoftˈβaʝsoftball
BullfightingEl toreotoˈɾeotoe-reh-oh
Long jumpEl salto de longitudˈsalto ðe lõnxiˈtuðsal-toe deh lon-he-tood
High jumpEl salto de alturaˈsalto ðe alˈtuɾasal-toe deh al-too-ra
Pole vaultEl salto con pértigaˈsalto kõm ˈpɛɾtiɣasal-toe con pear-tee-ga
Hammer throwEl lanzamiento de martillolãnsaˈmjɛ̃nto ðe maɾˈtiʝolan-za-mee-ehn-toe deh mar-tee-yo
Javelin throwEl lanzamiento de jabalinalãnsaˈmjɛ̃nto ðe xaβaˈlinalan-za-mee-ehn-toe deh ha-ba-lee-na
RacewalkingLa marcha atléticaˈmaɾʧa at̚ˈlɛtikamar-cha ah-tleh-tee-ca
ParkourEl parkourpaɾˈkou̯ɾpar-koor
ArcheryEl tiro con arcoˈtiɾo kon ˈaɾkotee-ro con ar-co
SkateboardingEl monopatinajemonopatiˈnaxemo-no-pa-tee-na-heh
SurfingEl surfˈsuɾfsurf
WakeboardingEl wakeboard‘wakeβoɾðwakeboard
FrisbeeEl frisbiˈfɾis̬βifrisbee
DodgeballEl balón tiroβaˈlõn ˈtiɾobah-lon tee-ro
QuidditchEl Quidditchkiðˈðitʧquidditch
LacrosseEl lacrosselaˈkɾosselacrosse
MountaineeringEl montañismomõntaˈɲis̬momon-ta-nyes-mo
Rock climbingLa escalada en rocaɛskaˈlaða ɛ̃n ˈrokaes-ca-la-da ehn ro-ca
HikingEl senderismosɛ̃ndɛˈɾis̬mosen-deh-rees-mo
CyclingEl ciclismosiˈklis̬mosee-klees-mo
Mountain bikingEl ciclismo de montañasiˈklis̬mo ðe mõnˈtaɲasee-klees-mo deh mon-ta-nyah
Road bicycle racingEl ciclismo en rutasiˈklis̬mo ɛ̃n ˈrutasee-klees-mo ehn roo-ta
Track cyclingEl ciclismo en pistasiˈklis̬mo ɛ̃m ˈpistasee-klees-mo ehn pees-ta
FishingLa pescaˈpɛskapehs-ca
SpearfishingLa pesca submarinaˈpɛska suβmaˈɾinapehs-ca soob-ma-re-na
GolfEl golfˈɣolfgolf
HuntingLa cazaˈkasaca-za
RunningLa carrera a piekaˈrɛɾa a ˈpjecah-reh-ra ah pee-eh
Cross country runningEl campo a travésˈkãmpo a tɾaˈβescam-po ah tra-ves
MarathoningEl maratonismomaɾatoˈnis̬moma-ra-toe-nees-mo
SprintingLa carrera de velocidadkaˈrɛɾa ðe βelosiˈðaðcah-reh-ra deh veh-lo-see-dad
FreerunningEl freerunningfɾeɛɾũnˈnĩnɡfreerunning
Obstacle course racingLa carrera de obstáculoskaˈrɛɾa ðe oβsˈtakuloscah-reh-ra deh obs-ta-coo-los

Indoor sports 

Indoor sports can be just as exciting as outdoor sports. In fact, many can be played both indoors and outdoors, such as basketball. Other sports like gymnastics are traditionally played indoors as they require a controlled environment for the athletes to perform their routines. Keep reading to learn how to say indoor sports like gymnastics and basketball in Spanish!

Gymnastics and other indoor sports in Spanish.

Competitive danceEl baile competitivoˈβai̯le kõmpɛtiˈtiβobah-e-leh com-peh-tee-tee-vo
GymnasticsLa gimnasiaxĩmˈnasjahim-na-see-ah
TrampoliningLa gimnasia en trampolínxĩmˈnasja ɛ̃n tɾãmpoˈlĩnhim-na-see-ah ehn tram-po-leen
BasketballEl baloncestoβalõnˈsɛstobah-lon-sehs-toe
Carom billiardsEl billar francésβiˈʝaɾ fɾãnˈsesbee-yar fran-sehs
SnookerEl snookers̬noˈosnooker
Acrobatic gymnasticsLa gimnasia acrobáticaxĩmˈnasja akɾoˈβatikahim-na-see-ah ah-cro-bah-tee-ca
Aerobic gymnasticsLa gimnasia aeróbicaxĩmˈnasja aɛˈɾoβikahim-na-see-ah ah-eh-ro-bee-ca
Artistic gymnasticsLa gimnasia artísticaxĩmˈnasja aɾˈtistikahim-na-see-ah ar-tees-tee-ca
Rhythmic gymnasticsLa gimnasia rítmicaxĩmˈnasja ˈrit̚mikahim-na-see-ah reet-me-ca
Pole danceEl baile en barra ˈβai̯lɛ ɛ̃m ˈbarabah-e-leh en ba-ra
Rope climbingLa escalada de cuerdaɛskaˈlaða ðe ˈkwɛɾðaes-ca-la-da deh coo-air-da
Roller skatingEl patín sobre ruedas tradicionalpaˈtĩn ˈsoβɾe ˈrweðas tɾaðisjoˈnalpa-teen so-breh roo-eh-das tra-dee-see-oh-nal
TumblingEl tumblingtũmˈblĩnɡtumbling
Wheel gymnasticsLa rueda alemanaˈrweða aleˈmanaroo-eh-da ah-leh-ma-na

Water sports

Water sports are some of the most fun sports out there. Whether you live by the beach, a major river, or a lake, you must have a body of water nearby where you can practice some exciting water sports. From kayaking to swimming in Spanish, check out the following table for more!

Kayaking and water sports in Spanish.

CanoeingEl canotajekanoˈtaxeca-no-ta-heh
Outrigger canoeingEl canotaje polinésicokanoˈtaxe poliˈnesikoca-no-ta-heh po-lee-neh-see-co
KayakingEl kayakismokaʝaˈkis̬moka-ya-keys-mo
Sea kayakingEl kayakismo de markaʝaˈkis̬mo ðe ˈmaɾka-ya-keys-mo
RaftingEl balsismoβalˈsis̬mobal-sees-mo
RowingEl remoˈremoreh-mo
Dragon boatingEl piragüismo de barco de dragónpiɾaˈɣwis̬mo ðe ˈβaɾko ðe ðɾaˈɣõnpee-ra-goo-ees-mo deh bar-co deh dra-gon
Standup paddleboardingEl surf de palaˈsuɾf ðe ˈpalasurf deh pa-la
Water poloEl waterpolowatɛɾˈpolowaterpolo
Canoe PoloEl kayak polokaˈʝak ˈpoloka-yak po-lo
Stone skippingHacer patitoaˈsɛɾ paˈtitoah-ser pa-tee-toe
Underwater rugbyEl rugby subacuáticoˈruɣβi suβaˈkwatikoroog-bee soob-ah-coo-ah-tee-co
Underwater hockeyEl hockey subacuáticook̚ˈkei̯ suβaˈkwatikohoh-key soob-ah-coo-ah-tee-co
SwimmingLa nataciónnataˈsjõnna-ta-see-on
BackstrokeEl estilo espaldaɛsˈtilo ɛsˈpaldaes-tee-lo es-pal-da
BreaststrokeEl estilo brazaɛsˈtilo ˈβɾasaes-tee-lo bra-za
Butterfly strokeEl estilo mariposaɛsˈtilo maɾiˈposaes-tee-lo ma-ree-po-sa
MedleyEl medleymɛðˈlei̯medley
Synchronized swimmingLa natación sincronizadanataˈsjõn sĩnkɾoniˈsaðana-ta-see-on seen-cro-nee-za-da
FinswimmingLa natación con aletasnataˈsjõn kon aˈlɛtasna-ta-see-on con ah-tleh-tas
FreedivingLa apneaap̚ˈneaap-neh-ah
Scuba divingEl buzoˈβusoboo-zo
SpearfishingLa pesca submarinaˈpɛska suβmaˈɾinapes-ca soob-ma-ree-na
SnorkelingEl esnórquelɛs̬ˈnoɾkɛles-nor-kel

Net-and-ball sports

Net-and-ball sports are extremely popular all over the world. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a nice game of badminton or playing volleyball at the beach? If you’re a fan of these sports, we’ll show you how to say badminton and volleyball in Spanish!

BadmintonEl bádmintonˈβaðmĩntõnbad-meen-ton
BossaballEl bossaballβossaˈβaʝbossaball
FistballEl faustballfau̯stˈβaʝfaustball
Football tennisEl fútbol-tenisˈfutβoltenisfoot-boll teh-nees
PadelEl pádelˈpaðɛlpa-dell
PickleballEl pickleballpik̚kleˈβaʝpickleball
VolleyballEl voleibolβolei̯ˈβolvol-eh-e-bol

Racket sports

Many racket sports are also net-and-ball sports, but not all of them are! Many racket sports don’t involve a racket at all, such as racquetball and crossminton. Others, like the wildly popular tennis, are both racket and net and ball sports. If you’re a racket sports fan, check out the table below to learn how to say tennis in Spanish!

TennisEl tenisˈtenisteh-nees
Table tennisEl tenis de mesaˈtenis̬ ðe ˈmesateh-nees deh meh-sa
FrontenisEl frontenisfɾõnˈtenisfrontenis
CrossmintonEl Crossmintonkɾoss̬ˈmĩntõncrossminton
RacquetballEl raquetbolrakɛtˈβolraquet-bol
SquashEl squashˈskassquash
Beach tennisEl tenis playaˈtenis ˈplaʝateh-nees pla-ya
Paddle tennisEl Paddle tennisˈpaððle ˈtɛ̃nnispaddle tennis

Equestrian sports

They say dogs are a human’s best friend, but what about horses? Many consider horses to be family members, as these majestic animals can form deep and unique bonds with their humans. If you’ve ever owned a horse before, you’re probably dying to learn how to say equestrian sports!

Horse riding and other equestrian sports in Spanish.

Equestrian sportsLos deportes ecuestresdeˈpoɾtes eˈkwɛstɾesdeh-pore-tes eh-coo-ehs-tres
BuzkashiEl buzkashiβusˈkasibuzkashi
CharreríaLa charreríaʧarɛˈɾiacha-reh-ree-ah
Chilean rodeoEl rodeo chilenoroˈðeo ʧiˈlenoro-deh-oh chee-leh-no
Cross-country ridingEl cross-countrykɾossˈkou̯ntɾicross-country
DressageLa doma clásicaˈðoma ˈklasikado-ma clah-see-ca
Endurance ridingEl enduro ecuestreɛ̃nˈduɾo eˈkwɛstɾeehn-doo-ro eh-coo-es-treh
EquitationLa equitaciónekitaˈsjõneh-key-ta-see-on
EventingEl concurso completokõnˈkuɾso kõmˈplɛtocon-coor-so com-pleh-toe
Equestrian vaultingEl volteoβolˈteovol-teh-oh
Harness racingLas carreras de trotoneskaˈrɛɾas̬ ðe tɾoˈtonesca-reh-ras deh tro-to-nes
Horse racingEl turfˈtuɾfturf
PoloEl poloˈpolopo-lo
HorseballEl horseballoɾseˈβaʝhorseball
JoustingLa justaˈxustahoos-ta
Mounted archeryEl tiro con arco a caballoˈtiɾo kon ˈaɾko a kaˈβaʝotee-ro con ar-co ah ca-bah-yo
PatoEl patoˈpatopa-toe
RodeoEl rodeoroˈðeoro-deh-oh
Show jumpingEl saltoˈsaltosal-toe
Team penningEl team penningteˈãm pɛ̃nˈnĩnɡteam penning
Tent peggingEl tent peggingˈtẽnt ‘pɛɣĩnɡtent pegging

Football in Spanish

If you’ve spent time in Spain or Latin America before, you must already know how intensely Spanish speakers care about football. If you’re from the US, you should start getting used to one significant difference in terminology when talking about football in Spanish.

Football in Spanish.

In Spanish, football (fútbol) refers to soccer, whereas American football (fútbol americano) refers to what is regularly known as football in the US!

Football (soccer)El fútbolˈfutβolfoot-boll
Mob footballEl fútbol de carnavalˈfutβol de kaɾnaˈβalfoot-boll deh car-na-val
JorkyballEl Jorkyballxoɾkiˈβaʝjorkyball
Beach soccerEl fútbol playaˈfutβol ˈplaʝafoot-boll pla-ya
Indoor soccerEl fútbol rápidoˈfutβol ˈrapiðofoot-boll ra-pee-doe
Street footballEl fútbol callejeroˈfutβol kaʝeˈxɛɾofoot-boll cah-yeh-heh-ro
Australian footballEl fútbol australianoˈfutβol au̯stɾaˈljanofoot-boll ah-oos-tra-lee-ah-no
Gaelic footballEl fútbol gaélicoˈfutβol ɣaˈelikofoot-boll gah-eh-lee-co
American footballEl fútbol americanoˈfutβol amɛɾiˈkanofoot-boll ah-meh-re-ca-no
Canadian footballEl fútbol canadienseˈfutβol kanaˈðjɛ̃nsefoot-boll cah-na-dee-ehn-seh
RugbyEl rugbyˈruɣβiroog-bee
Touch footballEl rugby sin contactoˈruɣβi sĩn kõnˈtak̚toroog-bee seen con-tact-toe

Ice and snow sports

If you happen to live in a place with harsh winters, you’re probably an ice and snow sport enthusiast. From skiing to ice skating, there is plenty of fun to be had even when the temperature is below zero!

Skiing over mountains in Spanish.

SnowboardingEl snowboards̬nowˈβosnowboard
SkiingEl esquíɛsˈkies-key
BandyEl bandyˈβãndibrandy
BroomballEl broomballβɾoõmˈbaʝbroomball
CurlingEl curlingkuɾˈlĩnɡcurling
Ice skatingEl patinaje en hielopatiˈnaxɛ ɛ̃n ˈɟʝelopa-tee-na-heh ehn e-eh-lo
Figure skatingEl patinaje artístico sobre hielopatiˈnaxe aɾˈtistiko ˈsoβɾe ˈʝelopa-tee-na-heh ar-tees-tee-co so-breh e-eh-lo
Ice climbingLa escalada en hieloɛskaˈlaða ɛ̃n ˈɟʝeloes-ca-la-da ehn e-eh-lo
Ice hockeyEl hockey sobre hielook̚ˈkei̯ ˈsoβɾe ˈʝelohoh-ke so-breh e-eh-lo
Speed skatingEl patinaje de velocidad sobre hielopatiˈnaxe ðe βelosiˈðað ˈsoβɾe ˈʝelopa-tee-na-heh deh veh-lo-see-dad so-breh e-eh-l0

Combat sports

Although combat sports are usually associated with Asian countries (taekwondo, sumo wrestling, karate, etc), they are also very popular in Latin America. From boxing to lucha libre, and even some of the Asian combat sports mentioned earlier, many Spanish speakers practice or enjoy watching combat sports.

Boxing in Spanish.

JujutsuEl ju-jutsuxuˈxutsuyu-yoot-soo
JudoEl judoˈxuðoyu-doo
AikidoEl aikidoai̯ˈkiðoaikido
Brazilian Jiu-JitsuEl jiu-jitsu brasileñoxjuˈxitsu βɾasiˈleɲojiu-jitsu bra-see-leh-nyo
SamboEl SAMBOˈsãmbosam-bo
SumoEl sumoˈsumosumo
WrestlingLa luchaˈluʧaloo-cha
Folk wrestlingLa lucha tradicionalˈluʧa tɾaðisjoˈnalloo-cha tra-dee-see-oh-nal
Freestyle wrestlingLa lucha libreˈluʧa ˈliβɾeloo-cha lee-breh
Lucha libreLa lucha libre mexicanaˈluʧa ˈliβɾe mexiˈkanaloo-cha lee-breh meh-he-ca-na
Greek wrestlingLa lucha griegaˈluʧa ˈɣɾjeɣaloo-cha gree-eh-ga
BajiquanEl bājíquánbai̯ˈxiʧwãnbaijiquan
BoxingEl boxeoβokˈseobox-eh-oh
CapoeiraLa Capoeirakapoˈei̯ɾaca-po-eh-e-ra
Chess boxingEl ajedrez boxeoaxeˈðɾes̬ βokˈseoah-heh-drez box-eh-oh
KarateEl karatekaˈɾateka-ra-teh
KenpōEl Kenpoˈkɛ̃mpokenpo
KickboxingEl kickboxingkik̚kβokˈsĩnɡkickboxing
Burmese boxingEl boxeo birmanoβokˈseo βiɾˈmanobox-eh-oh be-ma-re-no
Muay ThaiEl boxeo tailandésβokˈseo tai̯lãnˈdesbox-eh-oh ta-e-lan-des
Pradal SereyEl prodalpɾoˈðalprodal
Shaolin Kung FuEl Shaolin Kungfusaˈolĩn ˈkũnɡfushaolin kungfu
TaekwondoEl taekwondotaeˈkwõndotaekwondo
BandoEl bandoˈβãndobando
Mixed martial artsLas artes marciales mixtasˈaɾtes̬ maɾˈsjales̬ ˈmikstasar-tes mar-see-ah-les mix-tas
NinjutsuEl ninjutsunĩnˈxutsuninjutsu
Tai chiEl taichítai̯ˈʧitaichi
FencingLa esgrimaɛs̬ˈɣɾimaes-gree-ma
TahtibLa esgrima con palos egipciaɛs̬ˈɣɾima kõm ˈpalos eˈxipsjaes-gree-ma con pa-los eh-heep-see-ah
KendoEl kendoˈkɛ̃ndoken-do
Chinese martial artsLas artes marciales de Chinaˈaɾtes̬ maɾˈsjales̬ ðe ˈʧinaar-tes mar-see-ah-les deh chee-na
Sword fightingLas peleas de espadaspeˈleas̬ ðɛ ɛsˈpaðaspeh-leh-as deh es-pa-das

Motorized sports

Although motorcycles and trucks may not be the first thing to come to mind when you think of sports, there are plenty of professionals and spectators who would beg to differ! Considered extreme sports, most motorized sports should be played with extreme caution and under the supervision of professionals.

Motorsports in Spanish.

AutocrossEl autoeslalonau̯toɛs̬ˈlalõnah-oo-toe-ehs-la-lon
Banger racingLas carreras de bángerkaˈrɛɾas̬ ðe ˈβãnxɛɾca-reh-ras deh banger
Demolition derbyLas carrera de destrucciónkaˈrɛɾa ðe ðɛstɾukˈsjõnca-reh-ras deh des-trooc-see-ohn
Drag racingLas carreras de aceleraciónkaˈrɛɾas̬ ðe aselɛɾaˈsjõnca-reh-ras deh ah-seh-leh-ra-see-on
DriftingEl driftingdɾifˈtĩnɡdrifting
Endurance racingUna carrera de resistenciakaˈrɛɾa ðe resisˈtɛ̃nsjaca-reh-ra deh reh-sees-tehn-see-ah
Formula LibreLa Fórmula Libreˈfoɾmula ˈliβɾefor-moo-la lee-breh
HillclimbingLas carreras de montañakaˈrɛɾas̬ ðe mõnˈtaɲaca-reh-ras deh mon-ta-nyah
Kart racingEl kartingkaɾˈtĩnɡkarting
Rally raidEl rally raidˈraʝi ˈrai̯ðrally raid
RallyingUn rallyˈraʝirally
Road racingEl automovilismo de velocidadau̯tomoβiˈlis̬mo ðe βelosiˈðaðah-ooh-to-mo-vee-lees-mo deh veh-lo-see-dad
Sports car racingLas carreras de automóviles deportivoskaˈrɛɾas̬ ðe au̯toˈmoβiles̬ ðepoɾˈtiβosca-reh-ras deh ah-ooh-toe-mo-vee-les deh-pore-tee-vos
Street racingUna carrera ilegalkaˈrɛɾa i̯leˈɣalca-reh-ra e-leh-gal
Truck racingLas carreras de camioneskaˈrɛɾas̬ ðe kaˈmjonesca-reh-ra deh ca-me-oh-nes
Vintage motorsportEl automovilismo históricoau̯tomoβiˈlis̬mo i̯sˈtoɾikoah-ooh-toe-mo-vee-lees-mo es-toe-ree-co
Freestyle motocrossEl motociclismo estilo libremotosiˈklis̬mo ɛsˈtilo ˈliβɾemo-toe-see-klees-mo ehs-tee-lo lee-breh
Grand Prix motorcycle racingEl Campeonato Mundial de Motociclismokãmpeoˈnato mũnˈdjal de motosiˈklis̬mocam-peh-oh-na-toe moon-dee-al deh mo-toe-see-klees-mo
MotocrossEl motocrósmotoˈkɾosmo-toe-cross
Off-roadingEl todoterrenotoðotɛˈrenotoe-doe-teh-reh-no
Superbike racingUna carrera de superbikeskaˈrɛɾa ðe supɛɾˈβikesca-reh-ra deh superbikes

Mind sports

No, these are not the same as mind games, although many would make those seem like a sport as well! Mind sports refer to games that require significant thought, planning, and strategy, such as poker or Texas hold’em. Whether these are actually sports or not is quite contentious, but we’re not here to judge!

Poker in Spanish.

Contract bridgeEl bridge de contratoˈβɾiðxe ðe kõnˈtɾatobridge deh con-tra-toe
PokerEl póquerˈpokɛɾpoker
SkatEl Skatˈskatskat
TrucoEl trucoˈtɾukotroo-co
WhistEl whistˈwistwhist
Omaha hold 'emEl Omaha holdemoˈmaxa xolˈdɛ̃momaha holdem
Texas hold 'emEl Texas holdemˈtɛksas xolˈdɛ̃mtexas holdem


One of the most recent developments in the world of sports is the rise in popularity of eSports. These were developed as technology advanced and computers became more accessible to people all over the world. Nowadays, there are major eSports championships all around the world with championship awards of as much as $40 million!

Battle royale gameLa batalla realβaˈtaʝa reˈalba-ta-ya reh-al
Combat flight simulatorsLos simuladores de vuelo de combatesimulaˈðoɾes̬ ðe ˈβwelo ðe kõmˈbatesee-moo-la-doe-res deh voo-eh-lo deh com-ba-teh
A fighting gameUn videojuego de luchabiðeoˈxweɣo ðe ˈluʧavee-deh-oh-hoo-eh-go deh loo-cha
First-person shooterUn videojuego de disparos en primera personabiðeoˈxweɣo ðe ðisˈpaɾos ɛ̃m pɾiˈmɛɾa pɛɾˈsonavee-deh-oh-hoo-eh-go deh dees-pa-ros ehn pree-meh-ra pear-so-na
Multiplayer online battle arenaLos videojuegos multijugador de arena de batalla en líneaβiðeoˈxweɣos̬ multixuɣaˈðoɾ ðe aˈɾena ðe βaˈtaʝa ɛ̃n ˈlineavee-deh-oh-hoo-eh-gos mool-tee-hoo-ga-dore deh ah-reh-na deh ba-ta-ya ehn lee-neh-ah
Real-time strategyLos videojuegos de estrategia en tiempo real βiðeoˈxweɣos̬ ðɛ ɛstɾaˈtexja ɛ̃n ˈtjɛ̃mpo reˈalvee-deh-oh-hoo-eh-gos deh es-tra-teh-he-ah ehn tee-ehm-po reh-al
Rhythm gameEl juego de ritmoˈxweɣo ðe ˈrit̚mohoo-eh-go deh reet-mo
Simulated racingEl automovilismo virtualau̯tomoβiˈlis̬mo βiɾˈtwalah-ooh-toe-mo-vee-lees-mo veer-too-al
Third-person shooterUn videojuego de disparos en tercera personabiðeoˈxweɣo ðe ðisˈpaɾos ɛ̃n tɛɾˈsɛɾa pɛɾˈsonavee-deh-oh-hoo-eh-go deh dees-pa-ros ehn ter-seh-ra pear-so-na
Virtual reality gameUn juego de realidad virtualˈxweɣo ðe realiˈðað βiɾˈtwalhoo-eh-go deh reh-ah-lee-dad veer-too-al

Other sports and games in Spanish

Sports are so diverse and inventive that naturally many don’t fit one particular category. Here, you’ll find many “misfits” or unique sports that don’t fall into any of the above categories. Enjoy the following table with some fun sports and games in Spanish!

Competitive programmingLa programación competitivapɾoɣɾamaˈsjõn kõmpɛtiˈtiβapro-gra-ma-see-on com-peh-tee-tee-va
DebateEl debatedeˈβatedeh-ba-teh
Fantasy sportUn deporte de fantasíadeˈpoɾte ðe fãntaˈsiadeh-pore-teh deh fan-ta-see-ah
SpeedcubingEl speedcubingsˈpeɛðcuβĩnɡspeedcubing
Arm wrestlingPulsearpulseˈaɾpul-seh-are
CrossFitEl CrossFitkɾossˈfitcrossfit
BodybuildingEl fisicoculturismofisikokultuˈɾis̬mofee-see-co-cool-too-rees-mo
PowerliftingEl levantamiento de potencialeβãntaˈmjɛ̃nto ðe poˈtɛ̃nsjaleh-van-ta-mee-ehn-toe deh po-tehn-see-ah
BowlingLos bolosˈβolosbo-los
PétanqueLa petancapɛˈtãnkapeh-tan-ca
Shooting sportsEl tiro deportivoˈtiɾo ðepoɾˈtiβotee-ro deh-pore-tee-vo

Competitive board games in Spanish

Similarly to eSports, competitive board games also have major championships that captivate hundreds of thousands of spectators. Just like the Netflix show, The Queen’s Gambit captivated millions of viewers with its intricate chess storyline, competitive board games can also draw big crowds.

BackgammonEl backgammonβak̚kˈɣãmmõnbackgammon
CheckersLas damasˈðamasda-mas
ChessEl ajedrezaxeˈðɾesah-heh-drez
Chinese checkersLas damas chinasˈðamas ˈʧinasdah-mas chee-nas
DominoesEl dominódomiˈnodoe-mi-no
MahjongEl mahjongmaˈxõnɡmahjong
ScrabbleEl scrabbleˈskɾaβlscrabble
SudokuEl sudokusuˈðokusudoku
Air hockeyEl aero-jóqueyaɛɾoˈxoki̯ah-eh-ro-ho-key

Sports-related phrases in Spanish

On top of sports, there are a few related vocabulary words that you should learn to round out your sports vocabulary. Below you’ll find a list of some helpful words for sports venues, different types of matches, and even players!

AthleteUn atletaat̚ˈlɛtaah-tleh-ta
TeamUn equipoeˈkipoeh-key-po
CoachUn entrenadorɛ̃ntɾenaˈðoɾen-treh-na-door
FieldUn campoˈkãmpocam-po
RinkUna pistaˈpistapees-ta
PoolUna albercaalˈβɛɾkaal-bear-ca
CourtUna canchaˈkãnʧacan-cha
MatchUn partidopaɾˈtiðopar-tee-doe
Sports venueUn lugar de deportesluˈɣaɾ ðe ðeˈpoɾtesloo-gar deh deh-pore-tes
Sports equipmentEquipo deportivoeˈkipo ðepoɾˈtiβoeh-key-po deh-pore-tee-vo
ArenaUna arenaaˈɾenaah-reh-na
TrackUna pistaˈpistapees-ta
GoalkeeperUn porteropoɾˈtɛɾopore-teh-ro
PlayerUn jugadorxuɣaˈðoɾhoo-ga-door
AwardUn premioˈpɾemjopreh-me-oh
CaptainEl capitánkapiˈtãnca-pee-tan
ChampionEl campeónkãmpeˈõncam-peh-ohn
ContestEl concursokõnˈkuɾsocon-coor-so
CupLa copaˈkopaco-pa
EventUn eventoeˈβɛ̃ntoeh-vehn-toe
FanUn aficionadoafisjoˈnaðoah-fee-see-oh-na-doe
Final scoreLa puntuación finalpũntwaˈsjõm fiˈnalpoon-too-ah-see-ohn fee-nal
FitnessLa aptitud físicaap̚tiˈtuð ˈfisikaap-tee-tood fee-see-ca
GoalLa porteríapoɾtɛˈɾiapore-teh-ree-ah
GymEl gimnasioxĩmˈnasjohim-na-see-oh
Half-timeEl medio tiempoˈmeðjo ˈtjɛ̃mpomeh-dee-oh tee-ehm-po
JudgeEl juezˈxweswho-ez
LeagueLa ligaˈliɣalee-ga
MedalUna medallameˈðaʝameh-da-ya
OffsideUn fuera de lugarˈfwɛɾa ðe luˈɣaɾfoo-eh-ra deh-loo-gar
OpponentUn adversarioaðβɛɾˈsaɾjoad-ver-sah-ree-oh
ProfessionalUn profesionalpɾofesjoˈnalpro-feh-see-oh-nal
RecordUn récordˈrekoɾðreh-cord
RefereeEl árbitroˈaɾβitɾoar-bee-troh
RulesLas reglasˈreɣlasreh-glas
ScoreEl puntajepũnˈtaxepoon-tah-heh
SkillLa habilidadaβiliˈðaðah-bee-lee-dad
SpectatorUn espectadorɛspek̚taˈðoɾehs-pec-ta-door
TeammateUn compañero de equipokõmpaˈɲɛɾo ðe eˈkipocom-pa-nyeh-ro deh eh-key-po
TournamentUn torneotoɾˈneotore-neh-oh
TrainerUn entrenadorɛ̃ntɾenaˈðoɾehn-treh-na-door
TrophyUn trofeotɾoˈfeotro-feh-oh
VictoryLa victoriaβik̚ˈtoɾjavic-tore-e-ah
WhistleUn silbatosilˈβatoseel-ba-toe

Example conversations

Want more real-life examples of sports conversation? Check out the example conversation below between two friends. One of them is nervous because he’s going to the snow but doesn’t know how to ski, and his friend gives him some uplifting words.

Can you ski?¿Sabes esquiar?ˈsaβes ɛsˈkjaɾ ‖sah-bes es-key-are
No, I can’t ski, but I can snowboard. Can you?No, no sé esquiar, pero sé andar en snowboard. ¿Y tú?ˈno | ˈno ˈse ɛsˈkjaɾ | ˈpɛɾo ˈse ãnˈdaɾ ɛ̃n s̬nowˈβo ‖ i ˈtu ‖no, no seh es-key-are, pear-oh seh an-dar ehn snowboard. y too
No, I’m going on a trip soon, and I’m nervous. I can ice skate, but I’ve never skied before.No, me voy de viaje pronto y estoy nervioso. Sé patinar sobre hielo, pero nunca he esquiado.ˈno | me ˈβoi̯ ðe ˈβjaxe ˈpɾõnto j ɛsˈtoi̯ nɛɾˈβjoso ‖ ˈse patiˈnaɾ ˈsoβɾe ˈʝelo | ˈpɛɾo ˈnũnka ˈe ɛsˈkjaðo ‖no, meh voy deh vee-ah-heh pron-toe e ehs-toy ner-vee-oh-so. seh pa-tee-nar so-breh e-eh-lo pear-oh noon-ca eh es-key-ah-doe
You’ll get the hang of it in no time! All ice sports are very similar.¡Vas a aprender muy rápido! Todos los deportes de hielo son muy similares.ˈbas a apɾɛ̃nˈdɛɾ mwi ˈrapiðo ‖ ˈtoðos̬ los̬ ðeˈpoɾtes̬ ðe ˈʝelo ˈsõm mwi simiˈlaɾes ‖vas ah ah-pren-der mooy ra-pee-doe. toe-dos los deh-pore-tes deh e-eh-lo son mooy see-me-la-res
Do you think so? I’m usually very sporty, but I’ve never been to the snow.¿Eso crees? Normalmente soy muy deportista, pero nunca he ido a la nieve.ˈeso ˈkɾees ‖ noɾmalˈmɛ̃nte ˈsoi̯ mwi ðepoɾˈtista | ˈpɛɾo ˈnũnka ˈe ˈiðo a la ˈnjeβe ‖eh-so creehs? nore-mal-mehn-teh soy mooy deh-pore-tees-ta, pear-oh noon-ca eh ee-doe ah la nee-eh-veh
If you’re good at soccer, you’ll be a fine skier.Si eres bueno para jugar fútbol, entonces serás un buen ˈɛɾes̬ ˈβweno ˈpaɾa xuˈɣaɾ ˈfutβol | ɛ̃nˈtõnses sɛˈɾas ũm ˈbwɛn ɛskjaˈðoɾ ‖see eh-res boo-eh-no pa-ra who-gar foot-boll, ehn-ton-sehs seh-ras oohn boo-ehn es-key-ah-door
I’m a great soccer player! I also do yoga quite often.¡Soy un gran jugador de fútbol! También hago yoga muy seguido.ˈsoj ũn ˈɡɾãn xuɣaˈðoɾ ðe ˈfutβol ‖ tãmˈbjɛn ˈaɣo ˈʝoɣa mwi seˈɣiðo ‖soy oohn gran who-ga-door deh foot-boll! tahm-bee-ehn ah-go yo-gah mooy seh-gee-doe
Oh, then you’ll ski like a pro in no time!Ah, ¡entonces esquiarás como profesional de volada!ˈa | ɛ̃nˈtõnses ɛskjaˈɾas ˈkomo pɾofesjoˈnal de βoˈlaða ‖ah, ehn-ton-sehs es-key-ah-ras co-mo pro-feh-see-oh-nal deh vo-la-da

Example conversations whilst playing sports

If you’re already itching to get in the court or have already committed yourself to playing sports with some Spanish speakers, you’ll want to check out the following conversation. This is an example of a conversation between two friends after a soccer game where they discuss some of the highlights of the match.

Wow, what a great game!Wow, ¡qué buen partido!ˈwow | ˈke ˈβwɛ̃m paɾˈtiðo ‖wow, keh boo-ehn par-tee-doe
Yeah! That second half was really tough, but we managed to beat you in the end!¡Sí! Esa segunda mitad estuvo muy reñida, pero logramos ganarles al final!ˈsi ‖ ˈesa seˈɣũnda miˈtað ɛsˈtuβo mwi reˈɲiða | ˈpɛɾo loˈɣɾamos̬ ɣaˈnaɾles al fiˈnal ‖see! eh-sa seh-goon-da mee-tad es-too-vo mooy reh-nyeh-da, pear-oh lo-gra-moss ga-nar-les al fee-nal
You were lucky! If it hadn’t been for that offside, we would’ve won!¡Tuvieron suerte! Si no hubiera sido por ese fuera de lugar, ¡les hubiéramos ganado!tuˈβjɛɾõn ˈswɛɾte ‖ si ˈno u̯ˈβjɛɾa ˈsiðo poɾ ˈese ˈfwɛɾa ðe luˈɣaɾ | ˈles uˈβjɛɾamos̬ ɣaˈnaðo ‖too-vee-eh-ron soo-air-teh! see no ooh-bee-air-ah see-do pore eh-seh foo-eh-ra deh loo-gar les ooh-bee-air-ah-mos ga-na-doe
Yeah, you really had it in the bag the first half!Si, en verdad la tenían de ganar durante la primera mitad!si | ɛ̃m bɛɾˈðað la teˈniãn de ɣaˈnaɾ ðuˈɾãnte la pɾiˈmɛɾa miˈtað ‖see, ehn ver-dad la teh-nee-an deh ga-nar doo-ran-teh la pree-meh-ra mee-tad!

Most popular sports in different Spanish-speaking countries

No matter where you’re from, you’ll likely find some new and some familiar sports as you travel through the Spanish-speaking countries. If you’re wondering what the most popular sports are in different Spanish-speaking countries, you’ve come to the right place.

Soccer is the most popular sport in Spanish-speaking countries.


Soccer is–by far–the most popular sport in Spain and Latin America. With many professional soccer leagues like Spain’s Real Madrid and FC Barcelona, there is plenty of interest in professional soccer.

Soccer is so popular, in fact, that one of the most popular original Spanish-language Netflix shows revolves around a football club! Netflix’s Club de Cuervos is a hilarious Mexican comedy-drama that deals with a fictitious soccer club and its owners. Watch this if you’re looking for a funny yet effective way to learn Spanish!


You might think that baseball is as American as apple pie, but it is also wildly popular across Latin America! The Caribbean World Series is the largest baseball championship in Latin America, with seven different Latin American countries as yearly participants. The championship is rotated among the member countries.

The member countries of the Caribbean World Series are:

  • Colombia
  • Cuba
  • The Dominican Republic
  • Mexico
  • Panama
  • Puerto Rico
  • Venezuela

So, if you’re a baseball fan and are looking for a Spanish-speaking country that shares your passion, any of the countries above will be a safe bet!


The practice of bullfighting has been a part of Spanish culture for well over a thousand years, dating back to the eighth century. This sport consists of a bullfighter (known as el torero) repeatedly teasing a bull to prompt an attack. The bullfighter must dodge the attack and stab the bull with a sword until the bull collapses and dies.

While this sport is still very popular in Spain and some Latin American countries, its popularity has been drastically decreasing due to concerns about animal abuse. Many cities have chosen to ban the sport altogether. For example, Mexico City recently issued an indefinite ban on bullfighting within the city limits.


Boxing is an extremely popular sport in many Latin American countries, but especially so in Mexico and Panama. Some of the best boxers in the world come from these two regions, making them true powerhouses in the industry.

Perhaps Mexico is the Spanish-speaking country with the most fanaticism for boxing. After all, Mexico is the birthplace of many combat sports like lucha libre. If you ever find yourself in Mexico City, make sure to attend a lucha libre match at Arena México!


If you thought cycling was only popular in France, you might want to think again! Of course, people cycle for fun all over the world, but where else do people watch a cycling event like they do every year in France when the Tour de France is going on? Well, Spain!

La Vuelta a España is the Spanish version of the Tour and was established in 1935. It’s been held annually since 1955 and attracts thousands of viewers every year. If you’re into cycling, look no further than Spain!


Okay, maybe you’re a born-and-bred American and have a passion for (American) football. But you also want to learn Spanish! Does that mean you’d have to give up football in order to move to a Spanish-speaking country? Not necessarily!

If you’re a fan of the NFL, you probably already know that Mexico City hosts at least one NFL game every year. That’s because there’s a large NFL fanbase in Mexico that is eager to fill up the stadium to enjoy the game.

In fact, la Liga de Fútbol Americano Profesional was founded in Mexico in 2016 to foster this interest in football in Mexico. The league continues to expand and currently has seven teams from across the country.

So, if you’d like an immersive Spanish-learning experience where you can also practice football, Mexico would be the perfect place for you!

Game, set, match!

Now that you’ve covered over 300 sports vocabulary words in Spanish, nothing could take you down. Whether you’re an inspired athlete with Olympic ambitions or simply want to make new friends and have a good time, you’ll surely find a way to put your newly-acquired vocabulary to good use.

And don’t forget to stay hydrated as you’re working up a sweat playing sports! Our guide to beverages in Spanish will help you replenish those electrolytes as you exercise. And don’t neglect your diet, either! Check out our guides to fruits and vegetables in Spanish to ensure peak performance as you play your favorite sports.

If you enjoyed this guide, be sure to check out the rest of our fun and helpful Spanish guides! We will teach you thousands of useful vocabulary words in easy-to-follow guides to help you improve your Spanish. Oh, and best of all? They’re all completely free!

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