Thanks to our wide range of learning services, you can easily learn languages online. No matter how much time you want to invest in learning a new language, what learning goals you want to achieve and how you learn best. To help you integrate your Danish language course perfectly into your everyday life, we offer different course formats that give you the freedom to choose when and how intensively you learn Danish. We use innovative technologies for our online language courses and offer a unique learning experience to all students, for example by integrating live lessons into the online curriculum.

Why you should learn Danish online with Berlitz

Flexibility: Our Berlitz Danish courses offer you maximum flexibility and let you decide when, where, and how often you want to practice Danish online.

Individuality: Every person is different. At Berlitz, we recognized this early on, which is why we design all of our Danish courses to meet the personal needs of our students.

Progress: Our students are only as good as our learning methods. That's why we use technological innovations to constantly optimize our Danish lessons.

Experience: Berlitz has been around for over 140 years. We have used this time to pass on proven learning processes to our language teachers, so that this can be optimally applied in Danish classes.

Universality: Learning a new language also means thinking outside the box. Therefore, it is important to us to also integrate cultural contexts and characteristics into the language course.

Eine Frau mit ihrem Laptop in einem Café winkt den anderen Teilnehmern ihres Online-Sprachkurses zu.

Our online courses are suitable for everyone:

Online courses for adults: We offer online Danish courses for all adults - whether you already have language skills or not.

Online courses for companies: Employees of your company can also find the perfect online Danish course at Berlitz.

Online courses for children and teenagers: This online Danish course is ideal for all students from 3rd to 13th grade.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What if I have completed the language course?

After you have successfully completed a course, you can directly enroll in a new course with the next higher level. Our language trainers will be happy to assist you with this. However, you can also register yourself online for the follow-up course.

Are there also language courses for people with a small budget?

Yes, because we want to offer everyone the opportunity to participate in our Danish courses. Especially our online language courses are ideal for all language interested people with a small budget. In particular, our group lessons and language courses with Berlitz Connect are cost-effective alternatives to other courses. We also offer various financing options.

Can I interrupt the language course?

With many of our online courses, you can book lessons spontaneously and thus learn at a self-determined pace. If you are taking a course with fixed dates, we would like to ask you to contact us. Together we will surely find a solution.

Learn more

Contact us today with your questions. We can work together to find the course that's right for you - with no obligation on your part. Your Berlitz team will contact you shortly.