Spanish reflexive pronouns exercises

Think that you got the reflexive verbs under your belt now? Think that you still need a little more help? Whatever the case, working on some exercises can be the best way to solidify your knowledge! Below, we’ve crafted ten sample sentences for you to practice your Spanish reflexive verb conjugations. Just try conjugating the verb in parentheses below in the appropriate time and person and see how you do!

Answer: Ya es tarde, no sé qué estás esperando para dormirte.

Answer: Ya es hora de ir a casa, así que vamos a tener que despedirnos.

Answer: Jorge me dijo que él siempre se queda en ese hotel cuando va a Madrid.

Answer: Los González se van a Puerto Vallarta todos los veranos.

Answer: Mi mamá tiene bonita piel porque nunca se acuesta sin antes ponerse crema.

Answer: No puedo creer que Felipe va a escalar el Everest, ¡imagínate que le pase algo!

Answer: Esta es mi película favorita porque siempre me rio mucho.

Answer: No puedo creer que estuviste en Ciudad de México y no nos vimos.

Answer: Me gustan los días de primavera porque el viento se siente bien en un día caluroso.

Answer: No me digas eso, ¡porque me desmayo!

Don’t second-guess yourself with this Spanish reflexive verbs guide

Although dealing with reflexive verbs can be intimidating at first, anyone with experience with them can confirm that they’re not much more difficult to use than regular, non-reflexive verbs. As long as you get a hang of the reflexive pronoun and where it goes within a sentence, you should have no problem working with these types of verbs.

If you enjoyed this guide and feel like you have a better idea of how to use reflexive verbs, make sure to take a look at our catalog of free Spanish guides! We regularly publish helpful posts so you can master all aspects of Spanish, including doing business in Spanish, conjugating the verb decir, and more!