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How to order food from a restaurant menu in Spanish: Top guide

Learning how to read a restaurant menu and order food in Spanish will unlock a wide array of new flavors and experiences.

From Spanish paella to Chilean wines, there’s a whole world of food and drink waiting for you out there. With 21 Spanish-speaking countries, there is a wealth of culinary excellence for you to enjoy next time you travel to Spain or across Latin America.

Let’s face it, eating is one of the best parts of traveling. Experiencing Peruvian ceviche or authentic Mexican street tacos for the first time is something anyone would cherish. And even if you’re not one to eat your way through your travels, you still need some food in your belly!

So, whether you’re a certified foodie or simply trying to stay fed, learning how to order food in Spanish will help you accomplish whatever you’re after! Plus, even if you’re in a popular tourist town–like Cancún or Punta Cana–ordering in Spanish can help you show appreciation and respect for the local culture. It could even help you save some money if you end up getting local prices!

So, let’s get into 234 helpful words and phrases for ordering food at a restaurant in Spanish!

Spanish phrases for restaurant dining

Now that we’ve got you all buttered up, let’s get into the different ways of ordering at a restaurant in Spanish. We’ve broken down this article into different stages of the meal-ordering process. From basic restaurant vocabulary that you should know to dietary restrictions, making reservations, ordering takeout, and beyond.

Restaurant vocabulary in Spanish

One of the first things you’ll worry about after you land in a Spanish-speaking country is how to order food in Spanish. Although this can seem daunting at first–especially if you’re still at the beginner Spanish level–being familiar with just a handful of words will allow you to seamlessly order exactly what you want!

How to order tapas and other food in Spanish.

RestaurantEl restauranterɛstau̯ˈɾãnteres-tah-ooh-ran-teh
Enjoy your mealBuen provechoˈbwɛ̃m pɾoˈβeʧoboo-en pro-veh-cho
Cheers!¡Salud!saˈluð ‖sah-lood
AppetizersLos aperitivosapɛɾiˈtiβosah-per-e-tee-vos
MealLa comidakoˈmiðacoh-me-da
DishEl platilloplaˈtiʝoplah-tee-yo
BreakfastEl desayunodesaˈʝunodes-ah-you-no
LunchEl almuerzoalˈmwɛɾsoal-moo-air-zo
DinnerLa cenaˈsenaseh-nah
StarterLa entradaɛ̃nˈtɾaðaen-tra-dah
Small dishesLas tapasˈtapastah-pas
Side dishGuarniciónɡwaɾniˈsjõngoo-ar-nee-see-on
EntréeEl plato fuerteˈplato ˈfwɛɾteplah-toh foo-air-teh
MainEl plato principalˈplato pɾĩnsiˈpalplah-toh preen-see-pal
ServingUna porciónpoɾˈsjõnpore-see-on
Check/billLa cuentaˈkwɛ̃ntacoo-en-tah
TableLa mesaˈmesameh-sa
MenuEl menúmeˈnumeh-noo
KnifeEl cuchillokuˈʧiʝocoo-chee-yo
ForkEl tenedorteneˈðoɾteh-neh-door
SpoonLa cucharakuˈʧaɾacoo-cha-rah
BreadEl panˈpãnpan
ChipsLos totopostoˈtopostoh-toh-pos
SnackLa botanaβoˈtanaboh-ta-na
ComplimentaryDe cortesíade koɾteˈsiacore-teh-see-ah
NapkinLa servilletasɛɾβiˈʝɛtaser-vee-yeh-ta
SaltLa salˈsalsahl
PepperLa pimientapiˈmjɛ̃ntapee-me-en-ta
WaiterEl meseromeˈsɛɾomeh-seh-ro
WaitressLa meserameˈsɛɾameh-seh-ra
HostEl anfitriónãmfiˈtɾjõnan-fee-tree-on
HostessLa anfitrionaãmfiˈtɾjonaan-fee-tree-oh-na
ChefEl chefˈʧɛfchef
WaterEl aguaˈaɣwaah-goo-ah
WineEl vinoˈβinovee-no
FoodLa comidakoˈmiðacoh-me-da
DrinksLas bebidasβeˈβiðasbeh-bee-das
GlassEl vasoˈβasovah-so
PlateEl platoˈplatoplah-toh
CupLa tazaˈtasata-za
BowlEl tazóntaˈsõnta-zon
BottleLa botellaβoˈteʝaboh-teh-ya
JugLa jarraˈxaraha-ra
TableclothEl mantelmãnˈtɛlman-tel
KitchenLa cocinakoˈsinakoh-see-na
BarLa barraˈβarabah-ra
LobbyEl lobbyˈloβiloh-bee
TipLa propinapɾoˈpinapro-pee-na
TaxesLos impuestosĩmˈpwɛstoseem-poo-es-tos
VATEl IVAˈiβae-bah

Dietary restrictions in Spanish

If you follow a special diet, you may be concerned about finding restaurants that will meet your dietary restrictions.

You may be surprised to learn that most restaurants in Spanish-speaking countries can be incredibly accommodating to your dietary needs. All you need to do is ask nicely!

Gluten freeLibre de glutenˈliβɾe ðe ˈɣlutɛ̃nlee-breh deh gloo-ten
Dairy freeLibre de lácteosˈliβɾe ðe ˈlak̚teoslee-breh deh gloo-ten
Lactose intolerantIntolerante a la lactosaĩntolɛˈɾãnte a la lak̚ˈtosaeen-toh-leh-ran-teh ah la lac-toes-ah
Dairy allergyAlérgico a la lactosaaˈlɛɾxiko a la lak̚ˈtosaah-lair-he-coh ah la lac-toh-sah
Low carbBajo en carbohidratosˈbaxo ɛ̃n kaɾβoiˈðɾatosbah-ho en car-boh-e-drah-tos
Low calorieBajo en caloríasˈbaxo ɛ̃n kaloˈɾiasbah-ho en kah-loh-ree-as
Low fatBajo en grasasˈbaxo ɛ̃n ˈɡɾasasbah-ho en grah-sas

How to ask for a table in Spanish

Making reservations in a foreign language can be the ultimate test for a foreign-language learner. If you’ve been taking Spanish classes online for a while, what better way to test your progress than making dinner reservations in Spanish?

People ordering food in a Spanish restaurant.

And even if you haven’t been studying Spanish all that long, memorizing a few of the handy phrases below can help you get the job done without much trouble.

I would like to make a reservation for three people please.Me gustaría hacer una reservación para tres personas, por ɣustaˈɾia aˈsɛɾ ˈuna resɛɾβaˈsjõm ˈpaɾa ˈtɾes pɛɾˈsonas | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖meh goos-ta-ree-ah ah-ser oo-na reh-ser-va-see-on pa-rah tres per-so-nas por fa-vor
Hello! A table for two people please!¡Hola! Una mesa para dos personas, por favor.ˈola ‖ ˈuna ˈmesa ˈpaɾa ˈðos pɛɾˈsonas | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖oh-la oo-na meh-sa pah-ra dos per-so-nas por fa-vor
Do you have any tables available for a group of four?¿Tienes alguna mesa disponible para cuatro?ˈtjenes alˈɣuna ˈmesa ðispoˈniβle ˈpaɾa ˈkwatɾo ‖tee-eh-nes al-goo-na meh-sa dees-poh-nee-bleh pah-ra coo-ah-troh
Any chance you have a table for six tonight?¿De casualidad tendrás una mesa para seis hoy en la noche?de kaswaliˈðað tɛ̃nˈdɾas ˈuna ˈmesa ˈpaɾa ˈsei̯s ˈoj ɛ̃n la ˈnoʧe ‖deh cah-soo-ah-lee-dad ten-dras oo-na meh-sa pah-ra seh-ees oh-e en la noh-che
Can I get a patio table please?¿Me podrías dar una mesa en la terraza, por favor?me poˈðɾias̬ ˈðaɾ ˈuna ˈmesa ɛ̃n la tɛˈrasa | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖meh poh-dree-as dar oo-nah meh-sa en la teh-ra-za por fa-vor
I would like to modify my existing reservations.Me gustaría hacer un cambio en mi reservació ɣustaˈɾia aˈsɛɾ ũn ˈkãmbjo ɛ̃m mi resɛɾβaˈsjõn ‖meh goos-tah-ree-ah ah-ser oon cam-bee-oh en me reh-ser-va-see-on
Party for two.Para dos personas.ˈpaɾa ˈðos pɛɾˈsonas ‖pa-rah dos per-so-nas
Can I take this table here?¿Puedo tomar esta mesa de aquí?ˈpweðo toˈmaɾ ˈɛsta ˈmesa ðe aˈki ‖poo-eh-doh toh-mar es-ta meh-sa deh ah-key
Is that table over there available?¿Esa mesa de allá está disponible?ˈesa ˈmesa ðe aˈʝa ɛsˈta ðispoˈniβle ‖eh-sa meh-sa deh ah-ya es-ta dees-poh-nee-bleh
Excuse me, would we be able to choose where to sit?Disculpa, ¿podríamos escoger dónde sentarnos?disˈkulpa | poˈðɾiamos ɛskoˈxɛɾ ˈðõnde sɛ̃nˈtaɾnos ‖dees-cool-pa po-dree-ah-mos es-coh-hair don-deh sen-tar-nos
Do you have any tables available for tonight?¿Tienes alguna mesa disponible para hoy en la noche?ˈtjenes alˈɣuna ˈmesa ðispoˈniβle ˈpaɾa ˈoj ɛ̃n la ˈnoʧe ‖tee-eh-nes al-goo-nah meh-sa dees-po-nee-bleh
When is your next available table?¿Cuándo es tu próxima reservación disponible?ˈkwãndo ˈɛs tu ˈpɾoksima resɛɾβaˈsjõn dispoˈniβle ‖coo-an-doh es too prox-e-ma reh-ser-va-see-on dees-poh-nee-bleh
Can you call me if a table becomes available?¿Me podrían llamar si alguna reservación llegara a estar disponible?me poˈðɾiãn ɟʝaˈmaɾ sj alˈɣuna resɛɾβaˈsjõn ɟʝeˈɣaɾa a ɛsˈtaɾ ðispoˈniβle ‖meh po-dree-an ya-mar si al-goo-na reh-ser-va-see-on yeh-ga-ra ah es-tar dees-po-nee-bleh
Can you add me to the waitlist?¿Me podrían agregar a la lista de espera?me poˈðɾian aɣɾeˈɣaɾ a la ˈlista ðɛ ɛsˈpɛɾa ‖meh po-dree-an ah-greh-gar ah la lees-ta deh es-pear-ah

How to order at a restaurant in Spanish

If you’re already sitting at a restaurant in Bogotá or Buenos Aires, this is the section of the article you desperately need. If you’re wondering how to order at a restaurant in Spanish, the table below will teach you any phrase you’d ever need when ordering some delicious vegetables in Spanish, arepas or a nice, juicy Argentinian steak.

To orderPedirpeˈðiɾpeh-deer
I would like…Quisierakiˈsjɛɾakey-see-air-ah
I don’t eat X.No como X.ˈno ˈkomo s ‖no coh-mo X
Could I please see the drinks menu?¿Podría ver el menú de bebidas, por favor?poˈðɾia ˈβɛɾ ɛl meˈnu ðe βeˈβiðas | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖poh-dree-ah ver el meh-noo deh beh-bee-das por fah-vor
Can I see the wine list?¿Podría ver la carta de vinos?poˈðɾia ˈβɛɾ la ˈkaɾta ðe ˈβinos ‖poh-dree-ah ver la car-ta deh vee-nos
What are the vegetarian options?¿Qué opciones vegetarianas tienen?ˈke opˈsjones̬ βexɛtaˈɾjanas ˈtjenɛ̃n ‖keh op-see-oh-ness veh-heh-ta-ree-ah-nas tee-eh-nen
I’m allergic to…Soy alérgico al…ˈsoj aˈlɛɾxiko alsoy ah-lair-he-co al
May I please order a bottle of wine?¿Te puedo pedir una botella de vino?te ˈpweðo peˈðiɾ ˈuna βoˈteʝa ðe ˈβino ‖te poo-eh-do peh-deer oo-nah bo-teh-ya deh vee-no
Which wines do you recommend?¿Qué vino me recomiendas?ˈke ˈβino me rekoˈmjɛ̃ndas ‖keh vee-no meh reh-coh-me-en-das
What do you recommend?¿Qué me recomiendas?ˈke me rekoˈmjɛ̃ndas ‖keh meh reh-coh-me-en-das
What’s in this dish?¿Qué tiene este platillo?ˈke ˈtjene ˈɛste plaˈtiʝo ‖keh tee-eh-neh es-teh pla-tee-yo
May I please order a cocktail?¿Podría pedir un cóctel por favor?poˈðɾia peˈðiɾ ũn ˈkok̚tɛl poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖po-dree-ah peh-deer oon coc-tel por fa-vor
I’ll have the…Yo quiero el…ˈɟʝo ˈkjɛɾo ɛlyo key-air-oh el
Can I have one more of these?¿Te puedo pedir otro de estos?te ˈpweðo peˈðiɾ ˈotɾo ðe ˈɛstos ‖teh poo-eh-doh peh-deer oh-tro deh es-tos
What are the specials of the day?¿Cuáles son los especiales del día?ˈkwales ˈsõn los ɛspeˈsjales̬ ðɛl ˈdia ‖coo-ah-les son los es-peh-see-ah-les del dee-ah
A bottle of water for the table, please.Una botella de agua para la mesa, por favor.ˈuna βoˈteʝa ðe ˈaɣwa ˈpaɾa la ˈmesa | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖oo-na bo-teh-ya deh ah-goo-ah por fa-vor
I’d like the steak well-done, please.Quiero la carne bien cocida, por favor.ˈkjɛɾo la ˈkaɾne ˈβjɛ̃n koˈsiða | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖key-air-oh la car-neh bee-en coh-see-da por fah-vor
I’d like the steak medium-well, please.Quiero la carne término tres cuartos, por favor.ˈkjɛɾo la ˈkaɾne ˈtɛɾmino ˈtɾes ˈkwaɾtos | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖key-air-oh la car-neh tear-me-no tres coo-are-tos por fa-vor
I’d like a medium rare steak, please.Quiero la carne término medio, por favor.ˈkjɛɾo la ˈkaɾne ˈtɛɾmino ˈmeðjo | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖key-air-oh la car-neh tear-me-no meh-dee-oh por fa-vor
I would like my steak rare, please.Quiero la carne roja, por favor.ˈkjɛɾo la ˈkaɾne ˈroxa | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖key-air-oh la car-neh ro-ha por fa-vor
I’d like the lunch special, please.Me gustaría la comida del día, por ɣustaˈɾia la koˈmiða ðɛl ˈdia | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖meh goos-ta-ree-ah la coh-me-da del dee-ah, por fa-vor
I’d like to order a pint of beer, please.Quiero una pinta de cerveza, por favor. ˈkjɛɾo ˈuna ˈpĩnta ðe sɛɾˈβesa | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖key-air-oh oo-nah peen-ta deh ser-veh-sa, por fa-vor
Can I have a mug for my beer, please?¿Te puedo pedir un tarro para mi cerveza, por favor?te ˈpweðo peˈðiɾ ũn ˈtaro ˈpaɾa mi sɛɾˈβesa | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖teh poo-eh-doh peh-deer oon tah-roh pah-ra me ser-veh-sa, por fa-for
Could I please have the check/bill?¿Te puedo pedir la cuenta, por favor?te ˈpweðo peˈðiɾ la ˈkwɛ̃nta | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖teh poo-eh-doh peh-deer la co-en-ta por fa-vor
Everything was delicious!¡Todo estuvo delicioso!ˈtoðo ɛsˈtuβo ðeliˈsjoso ‖toh-doh es-too-voh deh-lee-see-oh-so
Compliments to the chef!¡Mis felicitaciones al chef!mis felisitaˈsjones al ˈʧɛf ‖mees feh-lee-see-ta-see-oh-nes al chef
I’m full.Estoy lleno.ɛsˈtoi̯ ˈʝenoes-toy yeh-no
Is the tip included?¿La propina ya viene incluída?la pɾoˈpina ʝa ˈβjene ĩ̯nˈklwiða ‖la pro-pee-na ya vee-eh-neh een-cloo-eh-dah
Please add a 10% tip.Agrega el 10% de propina, por favor.aˈɣɾeɣa ɛl ˈdjes de pɾoˈpina | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖ah-greh-ga el dee-ez por-see-en-toh deh pro-pee-na por fa-vor
I’m going to tip in cash.Voy a dejar la propina en efectivo.ˈboj a ðeˈxaɾ la pɾoˈpina ɛn efek̚ˈtiβo ‖voy a deh-har la pro-pee-na en eh-fec-tee-voh
Can you bring the POS terminal, please?¿Podrías traer la terminal, por favor?poˈðɾias tɾaˈɛɾ la tɛɾmiˈnal | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖poh-dree-as tra-air la tehr-me-nal por fa-vor
Can you bring the American Express POS terminal, please?¿Podrías traer la terminal de American Express, por favor?poˈðɾias tɾaˈɛɾ la tɛɾmiˈnal de amɛˈɾikan ˈɛkspɾess | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖poh-dree-as tra-air la tehr-me-nal deh ah-meh-ree-cahn ex-press por fa-vor
I would like to place an order for takeout, please.Quisiera hacer un pedido para llevar, por favor.kiˈsjɛɾa aˈsɛɾ ũm peˈðiðo ˈpaɾa ʝeˈβaɾ | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖key-eh-ro ah-ser oon peh-dee-doh pa-ra yeh-var por fa-vor
I would like to order a coffee to-go, please.Quiero pedir un café para llevar, por favor.ˈkjɛɾo peˈðiɾ ũn kaˈfe ˈpaɾa ʝeˈβaɾ | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖key-eh-ro peh-deer oon cah-feh pa-ra yeh-var por fa-vor
Can I order this to-go?¿Puedo pedir esto para llevar?ˈpweðo peˈðiɾ ˈɛsto ˈpaɾa ʝeˈβaɾ ‖poo-eh-doh peh-deer es-toh pa-ra yeh-var
Can you put this in a to-go container for me?¿Me podrías poner esto para llevar?me poˈðɾias poˈnɛɾ ˈɛsto ˈpaɾa ʝeˈβaɾ ‖meh poh-dree-as poh-ner es-tohh pa-ra yeh-var

Conversation example with translation

If you’re more of a visual learner, here’s a sample conversation that can help you visualize many of these useful words and phrases in the real world. Follow this quick example of a simple conversation at a restaurant and picture yourself ordering your next meal at a nice restaurant!

And here’s a challenge for you: try replacing all of the food and drink orders in the conversation below with your favorites! Don’t eat meat? Order something vegetarian instead! Prefer white wine? Ask for your favorite Chardonnay! Get as creative as you can as you order your ideal dinner.

Waiter:Good evening, would you like to start with still or sparkling water?Buenas tardes, ¿le gustaría comenzar con agua natural o mineral?ˈbwenas ˈtaɾðes | le ɣustaˈɾia komɛ̃nˈsaɾ kon ˈaɣwa natuˈɾal o minɛˈɾal ‖
Guest:Good evening! Sparkling water, please.¡Buenas tardes! Agua mineral, por favor. ˈbwenas ˈtaɾðes ‖ ˈaɣwa minɛˈɾal | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖
Waiter:Right away. Do you know what you’d like to drink?En seguida. ¿Ya sabe qué le gustaría tomar?ɛ̃n seˈɣiða ‖ ɟʝa ˈsaβe ˈke le ɣustaˈɾia toˈmaɾ ‖
Guest:Not yet, could I see the wine list?Aún no, ¿podría ver la carta de vinos?aˈũn ˈno | poˈðɾia ˈβɛɾ la ˈkaɾta ðe ˈβinos ‖
Waiter:Of course, here you go. I recommend the Argentinian Merlot.Claro, aquí tiene. Le recomiendo el Merlot argentino.ˈklaɾo | aˈki ˈtjene ‖ le rekoˈmjɛ̃ndo ɛl mɛɾˈlot aɾxɛ̃nˈtino ‖
Guest:Alright then, I’ll have a glass of that wine, please.Muy bien, quiero una copa de ese vino, por favor. mwi ˈβjɛ̃n | ˈkjɛɾo ˈuna ˈkopa ðe ˈese ˈβino | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖
Waiter:Here’s your glass of wine and your sparkling water. Are you ready to order?Aquí tiene su copa de vino y su agua mineral. ¿Ya sabe qué desea ordenar?aˈki ˈtjene su ˈkopa ðe ˈβino i̯ sw ˈaɣwa minɛˈɾal ‖ ɟʝa ˈsaβe ˈke ðeˈsea oɾðeˈnaɾ ‖
Guest:Thank you! For my starter, I’ll have the stir-fried vegetables. For my main course, I’ll have the steak.¡Muchas gracias! De entrada, voy a querer las verduras asadas. De plato fuerte, voy a querer el filete de res.ˈmuʧas̬ ˈɣɾasjas ‖ dɛ ɛ̃nˈtɾaða | ˈboj a kɛˈɾɛɾ las̬ βɛɾˈðuɾas aˈsaðas ‖ de ˈplato ˈfwɛɾte | ˈboj a kɛˈɾɛɾ ɛl fiˈlɛte ðe ˈres ‖
Waiter:Excellent. How would you like your steak cooked?Excelente. ¿En qué término le gustaría su filete?ɛkseˈlɛ̃nte ‖ ɛ̃n ˈke ˈtɛɾmino le ɣustaˈɾia su fiˈlɛte ‖
Guest:I’ll have it medium rare, please.Término medio, por favor.ˈtɛɾmino ˈmeðjo | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖
Waiter:Of course. I’ll bring you your food right away.Claro que sí. Enseguida le traigo su comida. ˈklaɾo ˈke ˈsi ‖ ɛ̃nseˈɣiða le ˈtɾai̯ɣo su koˈmiða ‖

Spanish phrases for restaurant workers and waiters

If you’re a waiter looking to find a summer job in a Spanish speaking country or simply want to better serve your Spanish-speaking clients, you’ll want to learn some vocabulary related to serving guests at restaurants.

Check out the phrases below to quickly and easily master some Spanish phrases for restaurant workers.

Menus with Spanish phrases for restaurant workers and waiters.

Would you like to start with still or sparkling water?¿Le gustaría comenzar con agua regular o agua mineral?le ɣustaˈɾia komɛ̃nˈsaɾ kon ˈaɣwa reɣuˈlaɾ o ˈaɣwa minɛˈɾal ‖leh goose-ta-re-ah koh-men-zar con ah-goo-ah reh-goo-lar oh ah-goo-ah me-neh-ral
What can I get you started with?¿Con qué les gustaría comenzar?kõn ˈke ˈles̬ ɣustaˈɾia komɛ̃nˈsaɾ ‖con keh les goose-tah-re-ah koh-men-zar
Here’s the wine list for you.Aquí tiene la carta de vinos.aˈki ˈtjene la ˈkaɾta ðe ˈβinos ‖ah-key tee-eh-neh la car-ta deh vee-nos
Here’s our drink menu.Aquí tiene la carta de bebidas.aˈki ˈtjene la ˈkaɾta ðe βeˈβiðas ‖ah-key tee-eh-neh la car-ta deh beh-bee-das
Here’s the menu.Aquí tiene el menú. aˈki ˈtjenɛ ɛl meˈnu ‖ah-key tee-eh-neh el meh-noo
The specials of the day are…Los especiales del día son…los ɛspeˈsjales̬ ðɛl ˈdia ˈsõnlos es-peh-see-ah-les del dee-ah son
What would you like to drink?¿Qué le gustaría de beber?ˈke le ɣustaˈɾia ðe βeˈβɛɾ ‖keh les goose-tah-ree-ah deh beh-ber
What would you like to eat?¿Qué le gustaría de comer?ˈke le ɣustaˈɾia ðe koˈmɛɾ ‖keh leh goose-tah-ree-ah deh coh-mer
Are you ready to order?¿Está listo para ordenar?ɛsˈta ˈlisto ˈpaɾa oɾðeˈnaɾ ‖es-tah lees-toh pah-ra or-deh-nar
Would you like to hear the daily specials?¿Le gustaría que le comente de los especiales del día?le ɣustaˈɾia ˈke le koˈmɛ̃nte ðe los ɛspeˈsjales̬ ðɛl ˈdia ‖leh goose-tah-ree-ah keh leh koh-men-teh deh los es-peh-see-ah-les del dee-ah
Would you like to see the dessert menu?¿Le gustaría ver el menú de postres?le ɣustaˈɾia ˈβɛɾ ɛl meˈnu ðe ˈpostɾes ‖leh goose-tah-ree-ah ver el meh-noo deh pos-tres
Would you like a booster seat?¿Le gustaría un asiento infantil?le ɣustaˈɾia u̯n aˈsjɛ̃nto ĩ̯mfãnˈtil ‖leh goose-tah-ree-ah oon ah-see-en-toh in-fan-teel
Another drink?¿Le ofrezco otra bebida?le oˈfɾɛsko ˈotɾa βeˈβiða ‖leh oh-fres-coh oh-tra beh-bee-da
How is your meal?¿Qué tal está su platillo?ˈke ˈtal ɛsˈta su plaˈtiʝo ‖keh tal es-ta soo pla-tee-yo
Are you doing alright?¿Todo en orden?ˈtoðo ɛn ˈoɾðɛ̃n ‖toh-doh en or-den
Can I help you with anything else?¿Le puedo ayudar con alguna otra cosa?le ˈpweðo aʝuˈðaɾ kon alˈɣuna ˈotɾa ˈkosa ‖leh poo-eh-doh ah-you-dar kohn al-goo-na oh-trah koh-sa
Are you ready for dessert?¿Listo para el postre?ˈlisto ˈpaɾa ɛl ˈpostɾe ‖lees-toe pah-ra el-pos-treh

Conversation example with translation

Here’s another sample conversation on how a dinner might go down. This one is more centered around the needs of a waiter or waitress, so if you work in the restaurant or hospitality industry–this one’s for you!

Waiter:Good evening, welcome to our restaurant. What can I get you started with?Buenas tardes, bienvenido a nuestro restaurante. ¿Con qué les gustaría comenzar?ˈbwenas ˈtaɾðes | bjɛ̃mbeˈniðo a ˈnwɛstɾo rɛstau̯ˈɾãnte ‖ kõn ˈke ˈles̬ ɣustaˈɾia komɛ̃nˈsaɾ ‖
Guest:Good evening. I would like some still water to start. Could you tell me about today’s specials?Buenas tardes. Me gustaría agua natural para comenzar. ¿Me podrías comentar acerca de los especiales del día?ˈbwenas ˈtaɾðes ‖ me ɣustaˈɾia ˈaɣwa natuˈɾal ˈpaɾa komɛ̃nˈsaɾ ‖ me poˈðɾias komɛ̃nˈtaɾ aˈsɛɾka ðe los ɛspeˈsjales̬ ðɛl ˈdia ‖
Waiter:Of course. Today’s specials are the fish filet and the garlic shrimp.Claro que sí. Los especiales del día son el filete de pescado y los camarones al ajillo. ˈklaɾo ˈke ˈsi ‖ los ɛspeˈsjales̬ ðɛl ˈdia ˈson ɛl fiˈlɛte ðe pɛsˈkaðo i̯ los kamaˈɾones al aˈxiʝo ‖
Guest:What’s in the garlic shrimp?¿Con qué vienen los camarones al ajillo?kõn ˈke ˈβjenɛ̃n los kamaˈɾones al aˈxiʝo ‖
Waiter:The garlic shrimp are prepared in a garlic sauce, and they come with steamed rice and grilled veggies as side dishes.Los camarones al ajillo vienen preparados en una salsa de ajo, y de guarnición incluyen arroz al vapor y verduras asadas. los kamaˈɾones al aˈxiʝo ˈβjenɛ̃m pɾepaˈɾaðos ɛn ˈuna ˈsalsa ðe ˈaxo | i ðe ɣwaɾniˈsjon ĩnˈkluʝɛn aˈros al βaˈpoɾ i βɛɾˈðuɾas aˈsaðas ‖
Guest:Okay, then I’ll have the garlic shrimp, please.Está bien, en ese caso me gustaría pedir los camarones al ajillo, por favor. ɛsˈta ˈβjɛ̃n | ɛn ˈese ˈkaso me ɣustaˈɾia peˈðiɾ los kamaˈɾones al aˈxiʝo | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖
Waiter:Of course. Would you like something else to drink>Por supuesto. ¿Le gustaría algo más de tomar?poɾ suˈpwɛsto ‖ le ɣustaˈɾia ˈalɣo ˈmas̬ ðe toˈmaɾ ‖
Guest:Yes, I’ll have a beer, please.Sí, quiero una cerveza, por favor.ˈsi | ˈkjɛɾo ˈuna sɛɾˈβesa | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖
Waiter:Of course. Would you like a jug for your beer?Claro. ¿Le gustaría un tarro para su cerveza?ˈklaɾo ‖ le ɣustaˈɾia ũ̯n ˈtaro ˈpaɾa su sɛɾˈβesa ‖
Guest:Yes, please.Sí, por favor.ˈsi | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖
Waiter:Of course, I’ll be right back. [...] Here’s your water, your beer, and some complimentary bread. Your garlic shrimp are on the way.Claro, enseguida regreso. [...] Aquí tiene su agua, su cerveza, y un poco de pan de cortesía. Ya vienen sus camarones al ajillo.ˈklaɾo | ɛ̃nseˈɣiða reˈɣɾeso ‖ | aˈki ˈtjene sw ˈaɣwa | su sɛɾˈβesa | j ũm ˈpoko ðe ˈpãn de koɾteˈsia ‖ ɟʝa ˈβjenɛ̃n sus kamaˈɾones al aˈxiʝo ‖
Guest:Thank you!¡Muchas gracias!ˈmuʧas̬ ˈɣɾasjas ‖
Waiter:Here’s your garlic shrimp. May I offer you another drink?Aquí tiene sus camarones. ¿Le ofrezco otra bebida?aˈki ˈtjene sus kamaˈɾones ‖ le oˈfɾɛsko ˈotɾa βeˈβiða ‖
Guest:Thanks! Yes, another beer, please.¡Gracias! Sí, otra cerveza, por favor.ˈɡɾasjas ‖ ˈsi | ˈotɾa sɛɾˈβesa | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖
Waiter:Of course. [...] Here’s your beer. How’s your meal?Claro que sí. [...] Aquí tiene su cerveza. ¿Qué tal está su platillo?ˈklaɾo ˈke ˈsi ‖ | aˈki ˈtjene su sɛɾˈβesa ‖ ˈke ˈtal ɛsˈta su plaˈtiʝo ‖
Guest:Delicious! My compliments to the chef.¡Delicioso! Mis felicitaciones al chef.deliˈsjoso ‖ mis felisitaˈsjones al ˈʧɛf ‖
Waiter:Glad to hear! Would you like to see our dessert menu?¡Qué gusto! ¿Le gustaría ver nuestro menú de postres?ˈke ˈɣusto ‖ le ɣustaˈɾia ˈβɛɾ ˈnwɛstɾo meˈnu ðe ˈpostɾes ‖
Guest:No, thank you, I’m already full. I’ll have the check, please.No, muchas gracias, ya estoy lleno. Te encargo la cuenta, por favor.ˈno | ˈmuʧas̬ ˈɣɾasjas | ɟʝa ɛsˈtoi̯ ˈʝeno ‖ tɛ ɛ̃nˈkaɾɣo la ˈkwɛ̃nta | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖
Waiter:Of course! Here’s the check.¡Claro! Aquí tiene la cuenta. ˈklaɾo ‖ aˈki ˈtjene la ˈkwɛ̃nta ‖
Guest:Could you please bring the American Express POS terminal?¿Podrías traer la terminal de American Express, por favor?poˈðɾias tɾaˈɛɾ la tɛɾmiˈnal de amɛˈɾikan ˈɛkspɾess | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖
Waiter:Of course, here’s the American Express POS terminal.Claro, aquí está la terminal American Express.ˈklaɾo | aˈki ɛsˈta la tɛɾmiˈnal amɛˈɾikan ˈɛkspɾess ‖
Guest:Here’s my card. Is the tip included?Aquí está mi tarjeta. ¿Ya está incluida la propina?aˈki ɛsˈta mi taɾˈxɛta ‖ ɟʝa ɛsˈta ĩ̯nˈklwiða la pɾoˈpina ‖
Waiter:No, tipping is completely optional.No, la propina es completamente opcional.ˈno | la pɾoˈpina ˈɛs kõmplɛtaˈmɛ̃nte opsjoˈnal ‖
Guest:Add a 10% tip, please.Agrega el 10% de propina, por favor.aˈɣɾeɣa ɛl ˈdjes de pɾoˈpina | poɾ faˈβoɾ ‖
Waiter:Thank you very much!¡Muchas gracias!ˈmuʧas̬ ˈɣɾasjas ‖

Restaurant menu in Spanish

And now, the best part of this whole entire article for every foodie: the menu! While menu items vary from restaurant to restaurant, of course, we’ve gathered some of the most commonly recurring dishes and ingredients to get you started. Deciphering a restaurant menu in Spanish won’t be a big deal at all once you’re familiar with the words and phrases below!

Paella and other Spanish food to order in Spanish speaking countries.

FishEl pescadopɛsˈkaðopes-cah-doh
Fish filetEl filete de pescadofiˈlɛte ðe pɛsˈkaðodee-leh-teh deh pes-cah-doh
SteakEl filete de resfiˈlɛte ðe ˈresfee-leh-teh deh rehs
VegetablesLas verdurasβɛɾˈðuɾasver-doo-ras
TacosLos tacosˈtakostah-cos
PorkEl puercoˈpwɛɾkopoo-air-coh
Pork rindsLos chicharronesʧiʧaˈroneschee-cha-ron-es
SeafoodLos mariscosmaˈɾiskosma-rees-cos
ChickenEl polloˈpoʝopo-yo
TurkeyEl pavoˈpaβopa-vo
PotatoesLas papasˈpapaspa-pas
SaladLa ensaladaɛ̃nsaˈlaðaen-sa-la-da
SoupLa sopaˈsopaso-pa
SauceLa salsaˈsalsasal-sa
SandwichEl sándwichˈsãndwiʧsan-doo-ich
PrawnsLos langostinoslãnɡosˈtinoslan-gos-tee-nos
ShrimpLos camaroneskamaˈɾonesca-ma-ron-es
OystersLos ostiones / Las ostrasosˈtjones / ˈostɾasos-tee-oh-nes / os-tras
ClamsLas almejasalˈmexasal-meh-has
MusselsLos mejillonesmexiˈʝonesmeh-he-yo-ness
CrabEl cangrejokãnˈɡɾexocan-greh-ho
LobsterLa langostalãnˈɡostalan-gos-ta
TunaEl atúnaˈtũnah-tune
SalmonEl salmónsalˈmõnsal-mon
CevicheEl cevicheseˈβiʧeseh-vee-che
SquidEl calamarkalaˈmaɾca-la-mar
OctopusEl pulpoˈpulpopool-poh
Scrambled eggsLos huevos revueltosˈweβos̬ reˈβwɛltosooh-eh-vos reh-voo-el-tos
Fried eggsLos huevos fritosˈweβos ˈfɾitosooh-eh-vos free-toss
Eggs sunny-side upLos huevos estrelladosˈweβos ɛstɾeˈʝaðosooh-eh-vos es-treh-ya-dos
OmeletEl omeletomeˈlɛtoh-meh-let
ToastEl pan tostadoˈpãn tosˈtaðopahn toss-tah-doe
JamLa mermeladamɛɾmeˈlaðamer-meh-la-da
ButterLa mantequillamãnteˈkiʝaman-teh-key-ya
BaconEl tocinotoˈsinotoe-see-no
CoffeeEl cafékaˈfeka-feh
MilkLa lecheˈleʧeleh-che
DipsLos dipsˈðipsdeeps
PaellaLa paellapaˈeʝapah-eh-ya
RiceEl arrozaˈrosah-ross
NoodlesLos tallarinestaʝaˈɾinesta-ya-ree-nes
BurgerLa hamburguesaãmbuɾˈɣesaam-boor-geh-sa
BeansLos frijolesfɾiˈxolesfree-ho-less
CheeseEl quesoˈkesokeh-so
Mashed potatoesEl puré de papapuˈɾe ðe ˈpapapoo-reh deh pa-pah
French friesLas papas a la francesaˈpapas a la fɾãnˈsesapa-pas ah la fran-seh-sa
Country potatoesLas papas salteadasˈpapas salteˈaðaspa-pas sal-teh-ah-das
GrilledA la planchaˈplãnʧaah la plan-cha
In garlic sauceAl ajilloal aˈxiʝoal ah-he-yo
BarbecuedA la parrillaa la paˈriʝaah la pa-ree-ya
SteamedAl vaporal βaˈpoɾAl vah-pore

Desserts in Spanish

Last but certainly not least, we’ve got the dessert section! Whether you have a sweet tooth or just want some fruit at the end of a big meal, everybody enjoys a treat from time to time. Check out the table below so you’re not shy to ask for the dessert menu in Spanish next time you go out to eat!

CakeEl pastel / La tortapasˈtɛl / ˈtoɾtapas-tel / tore-tah
Ice creamEl heladoeˈlaðoeh-la-doh
GelatoEl gelatoxeˈlatoyeh-la-toh
MousseLa crema batidaˈkɾema βaˈtiðacreh-ma bah-tee-da
ChocolateEl chocolateʧokoˈlatecho-co-la-teh
VanillaLa vainillaβai̯ˈniʝavah-e-nee-ya
Panna CottaLa panna cottaˈpãnna ˈkot̚tapah-na coh-ta
Crème BrûléeEl crème brûléeˈkɾɛ̃m ˈbɾulecrehm brooh-leh
ChurrosLos churrosˈʧuroschoo-ross
FlanEl flanˈflãnflahn
CheesecakeEl pay de quesoˈpai̯ ðe ˈkesopah-e deh keh-so
Apple pieEl pay de manzanaˈpai̯ ðe mãnˈsanapah-e deh mahn-za-na
PopsiclesLas paletas heladaspaˈlɛtas eˈlaðaspa-leh-tas eh-la-das
SorbetEl sorbetesoɾˈβɛtesor-beh-teh
TiramisuEl tiramisútiɾamiˈsutee-ra-me-sue
BrownieEl brownieˈβɾownjebrau-nee
CookieLa galletaɣaˈʝɛtagah-yeh-ta
PastryUn pastelitopasteˈlitopas-tel-e-toe
PuddingEl pudínpuˈðĩnpoo-deen
Tres leches cakeDulce de tres lechesˈdulse ðe ˈtɾes̬ ˈleʧesdool-seh deh trehs leh-chess
Cheese boardUna tabla de quesoˈtaβla ðe ˈkesotah-blah deh keh-so
Fruit saladUn coctel de frutaskok̚ˈtɛl de ˈfɾutascoc-tell deh froo-tas

How to order tacos in Spanish

Let’s face it, who doesn’t enjoy having two or three (or seven) tacos? Tacos are some of the most universally-loved foods, not only for their taste but also thanks to how fun they are two eat. The contrasting flavors and textures between the warm filling, the crunchy lettuce, the soft tortilla, and the cold salsa are the perfect recipe for an explosion of flavor in your mouth!

Two women ordering tacos in Spanish.

To order your tacos, you will first need to master counting in Spanish. How many numbers you learn depends on how many tacos you want to eat, so think carefully about how well you want to learn them!

Once you know the numbers, ordering your tacos is easy. You just use the verb querer (to want) and ask for your tacos:

  • Quiero cuatro tacos.
  • Queremos ocho tacos.

You get the gist.

If you want to be extra polite, you could also use the verb dar (to give) and the formal usted. In Mexico, it’s customary to use the formal usted when addressing the taquero (the taco man!), unless you’ve already developed a close relationship with him. Here’s what that would look like:

  • ¿Me da tres tacos, por favor?
  • ¿Me da dos tacos más, por favor?

Beyond these simple constructions, here are a few words and phrases that may be helpful when ordering tacos.

What kind do you have?¿De qué tiene?de ˈke ˈtjene ‖deh keh tee-eh-nehMost taco trucks offer at least a couple of different types of tacos. It’s always a good idea to ask what kind they have!
With everything.Con todo.kõn ˈtoðo ‖kohn toh-dohTacos come with different trimmings. If you ask for a taco con todo, they will serve it with every trimming. Go for this if you’re adventurous! Con todo is usually the taquero’s recommendation.
Without X.Sin X.sĩn s ‖seenYou can ask them to leave something out, like onions, cilantro, salsa, or any of the trimmings.
Crispy.Doraditos.doɾaˈðitos ‖doh-ra-dee-tossThis may not apply to all taco types, but if you like yours on the crispier side, you can always ask the taquero if he’ll make them doraditos for you.
Half and half.Campechano.kãmpeˈʧano ‖cam-peh-cha-noCampechano means half and half, so if the taquero has two types of meat, you can always ask for a combined taco!
The spicy one.La que ˈke ˈpika ‖la keh pee-cahThere’ll usually be a few salsa options for you, so watch out for la que pica! You can also ask for la que no pica if you’re looking for mild.
How much is it?¿Cuánto es?ˈkwãnto ˈɛs ‖coo-ahn-toh essYou don’t normally get a check at a taco truck. Instead, you just ask the taquero how much you owe. They rarely take credit cards too, so make sure to bring some cash!

Most common types of tacos in Mexico

Now that you know how to order a taco like a pro, let’s get into all the possible fillings. As you travel through the vast and beautiful country of Mexico, you’ll find that this list is nowhere near exhaustive. Each region in the country has a different specialty, so there are hundreds if not thousands of different types of tacos you can try!

With that said, here are the 20 most common types of tacos you’ll run into when in Mexico.

Taco nameFilling styleIPAPronunciation
Taco al pastorLebanese-fusion pork.ˈtako al pasˈtoɾpas-tore
Taco de suaderoBeef, specifically the fat between the cow’s skin and meat.ˈtako ðe swaˈðɛɾosoo-ah-der-oh
Taco de carnitasSlow-roasted pork.ˈtako ðe kaɾˈnitascar-nee-tas
Taco de barbacoaSlow-roasted sheep.ˈtako ðe βaɾβaˈkoabar-bah-coh-ah
Taco de birriaSlow-roasted goat.ˈtako ðe ˈβirjabee-re-ah
Taco de bistecThinly-sliced steak.ˈtako ðe βisˈtɛkbees-tec
Taco de arracheraBeef flank.ˈtako ðe araˈʧɛɾaah-ra-che-rah
Taco de guisadoAssortment of stews, most popular breakfast tacos.ˈtako ðe ɣiˈsaðogee-sa-doh
Taco de chorizoCured minced beef or pork.ˈtako ðe ʧoˈɾisocho-ree-so
Taco de longanizaMinced pork meat.ˈtako ðe lõnɡaˈnisalon-gah-nee-sa
Taco campechanoMix of bistec and chorizo.ˈtako kãmpeˈʧanocam-peh-cha-no
Taco de cochinitaCochinita Pibil is a pork dish from Yucatán.ˈtako ðe koʧiˈnitaco-chee-nee-ta
Taco de cabezaCow head.ˈtako ðe kaˈβesaka-beh-za
Taco de lechónSlow-roasted pork.ˈtako ðe leˈʧõnleh-chon
Tacos árabesMeat seasoned with Middle Eastern spices.ˈtakos ˈaɾaβesah-ra-bes
Tacos doradosCrispy fried tacos.ˈtakos̬ ðoˈɾaðosdoh-ra-dos
Tacos de canastaSoft steamed tacos.ˈtakos̬ ðe kaˈnastaka-nas-tah
Taco de pescadoBeer-battered fish taco.ˈtako ðe pɛsˈkaðopes-cah-doh
Taco gobernadorMinced fish tacos with cheese.ˈtako ɣoβɛɾnaˈðoɾgo-ber-na-door
QuesatacoA combination between taco and quesadilla.kesaˈtakokeh-sa-ta-co

As a bonus tip, you can take your taco-ordering skills up a notch by skipping the “taco” and only sticking to the type of taco. You can use the ordering formula we outlined above, just replace the word taco with the type of taco you want to sound like a real native!

  • Quiero dos de canasta.
  • ¿Me da tres al pastor con todo?
  • ¿Me da dos de bistec, dos de arrachera, y uno campechano, por favor?

Now you’re truly ready to eat your way through Mexico!

Tipping etiquette in Spanish-speaking countries

If you’re used to tipping in the US, you may be surprised to see what tipping is like in Spain and across Latin America. Tips in the US are among the highest in the world, so don’t be surprised if you see everyone tipping only 10% or less!

Here is the tipping etiquette in Spain and most Latin American countries.

CountryRestaurant tipping norms
SpainA 10% tip is usually included in the bill. Extra tips are not common or expected.
MexicoTip is not included in the bill. A tip of 10 to 15% is expected. 20% is appropriate for exceptional service.
Argentina10% tip expected at restaurants and cafés.
Chile10% tip expected at restaurants and cafés.
Peru10% tip is expected at restaurants and cafés but can be adjusted to reflect the quality of service.
EcuadorTip of at least 10% is mandatory at bars and restaurants. Additional tipping is optional.
ColombiaA 10% service fee will be added to your bill. Tipping beyond 10% is not expected.
UruguayTipping is optional but 10% is the norm.
ParaguayTipping is optional with 10% as the base amount but can be adjusted to 5% or up to 20% depending on the quality of service.
BoliviaTipping is not expected and also not common in Bolivia. If you decide to tip, do not tip beyond 10%.
VenezuelaA 10% tip is the norm but can be adjusted upwards for a good service.
PanamaTipping is optional, and the suggested tipping amount is 10%.
Costa RicaSome restaurants will often include a 10% service charge. Otherwise, tipping is optional.
HondurasTipping is not expected in Honduras.
NicaraguaTipping is optional and 10% is the expected tip amount.
El SalvadorA 10% tip is usually suggested on your bill.
GuatemalaA 10% tip is usually suggested on your bill.
Puerto RicoJust like in the US, a 15 to 20% tip is expected.
Dominican RepublicA 10% tip is mandatory.
CubaTipping is not expected for locals, but tourists are expected to tip 10%.

Restaurant culture in Spanish-speaking countries

Meal times

One of the first instances of culture shock you may run into is how different meal times are in Spain and Latin America. Breakfast is pretty much the same but both lunch and dinner happen at a much later time.

In the US, lunch is usually eaten between noon and 1 p.m. and is usually very light, such as a salad, a wrap, or a sandwich. This is because most people work 9-to-5 jobs, so staying alert is very important in order to stay productive through the workday. And we all know how hard it is to stay productive after a big meal!

However, Hispanic countries have a workaround for this problem. As you’re probably aware, the Spanish enjoy having a little siesta in the afternoon. This allows them to break up their workday into two chunks with a big break in the middle of the day. Long enough to have a big meal and then have a siesta after! And there we go, sluggishness avoided!

This goes hand in hand with lunch being the biggest meal of the day as opposed to dinner. With this in mind, lunch usually happens much later in the day and lasts a lot longer than in the US. You likely won’t find anyone who has lunch before 1 p.m. and it’s not uncommon for people to eat lunch as late as 3 p.m.!

As you can probably imagine, a late lunch will also push dinner even later. As mentioned before, lunch is the biggest meal of the day, so dinner is usually a smaller or more simple meal. Depending on the country, dinner is usually eaten between 7 and 10 p.m., but you’ll never meet anyone who eats dinner at 5 or 6 p.m. like in the US. In fact, you’ll probably struggle to find restaurants that serve dinner that early!

You have to pay for water

Most restaurants in the US will start you off with a giant glass of water before you even ask for it. Not only is this not the norm in Spain and Latin America, but you will also likely have to pay for your water!

If you enjoy having some water along with your meal, you will have to specifically request it from the waiter. They will usually bring you bottled water, which they will charge you for accordingly.

Some restaurants that have filtered water available will offer it to guests free of charge, but only if they ask for it correctly. Asking for “free water” or tap water outright may be considered rude, so it’s best to stick to indirect requests. If you want to maximize your chances of not having to pay for a bottle of water, try some of the following:

May I ask for a glass of water?¿Te puedo pedir un vaso con agua?te ˈpweðo peˈðiɾ ũm ˈbaso kon ˈaɣwa ‖teh poo-eh-doh peh-deer oon vah-soh kohn ah-goo-ah
May I ask for a jug of water?¿Te puedo pedir una jarra con agua?te ˈpweðo peˈðiɾ ˈuna ˈxara kon ˈaɣwa ‖teh poo-eh-doh peh-deer ooh-nah ha-rah kohn ah-goo-ah

Asking for the POS terminal

This practice started in Latin American countries in order to prevent credit card fraud. Instead of taking your card away to the POS terminal when it’s time to pay, they just bring the terminal right to your table. That way, you never lose sight of your credit card and only hand it to the waiter for a couple of minutes.

Plus, most credit cards in Latin America require you to punch in your PIN number when making a purchase instead of your signature, so having the terminal nearby is very convenient.

Also, note that tipping is added to your bill before they charge your card. So the moment you hand your credit card to the waiter is the right time to ask them to add any tip percentage or the amount you’d like to your bill!

Test your knowledge

Now that you know how to order food in Spanish, try ordering something off of our Berlitz Spanish menu. There are lots of local specials to choose from.

How to order food in Spanish with our Berlitz Spanish menu.

Now you’ve got plenty of restaurant vocab to munch on

If you read through this entire article, then it’s official–you’re a foodie! As extensive as this blog was, it comes nowhere near close to even scratching the surface of the gastronomical richness of Spanish and Latin American cuisines. Not only does each country have its own distinct cuisine, but different regional variations within each country can really make your head spin!

But do not worry, you have a whole lifetime to travel and taste all the unique and exciting flavors of Spain and Latin America. And the more you learn Spanish, the easier conquering all the Hispanic cuisines will be!

If you enjoyed this blog, make sure to feast on the rest of our Spanish blog. We have published tons of unique and helpful guides that will allow you to seamlessly communicate with Spanish speakers wherever you go. Make sure to bookmark our blog, as we publish brand new content every month!

Now, go find your nearest Mexican restaurant or Argentinian steakhouse and put your new vocabulary to the test. ¡Buen provecho!

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